Liber Al vel Legis, The Book of the Law, I.13
#meme #goosebumps #whispers #AboveYou #InYou #ecstasy #joy
I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.
Liber Al vel Legis, The Book of the Law, I.13
Really missing the feeling of engaging with technology so it's giving you goose bumps from excitement, purely from witnessing positive creative feats/hacks — not from the way a horror movie gives you cold shivers...
Example: Listening to the Alien Breed theme for the very first time (and for hours!) on big speakers at a friend's house — making it the main event (rather than playing the game) and the feeling of taking a space walk outside the 8-bit chip tunes universe/aesthetics I was part of:
Or, watching some Amiga/PC demo scene productions with incredible visuals/music, created with incredible ingenuity and within often absurd limitations (both physical & artificial), dreaming about all the amazing techniques I'd like to experiment with myself and just being in sheer awe of the creative magic & skills involved in realizing some of these things. #Goosebumps!
Sure, these were formative moments during formative years, and I know it's not an unique sentiment/thought/insight, but I/we need to find ways to return to that spirit, not for nostalgia reasons, but for survival & health (mind & body, society etc.)
I also still think the demoscene specifically has never received its due credit for encouraging and actively _demo_nstrating how to do so much more with so much less... I see this as an ever more important skillset for the future. A lot of that has to do with aiming more at human-scale technology, i.e. tech which people can close to fully understand as basis for malleability, shaping/reshaping without sacrificing comprehension, and taking on board a lot of the good things we've learned (often the hard way) in the interim decades...