Honour killing in Telangana: Youth hacked to death on his birthday by girlfriend's father #Honour #TelanganaYouth #socialnewsxyz

Honour killing in Telangana: Youth hacked to death on his birthday by girlfriend's father #Honour #TelanganaYouth #socialnewsxyz
Kalakaar, T'araan believes the charge of seeking knowledge and understanding, of truth in all things, is the highest honour.
What does honour mean to you?
Blessings on Tyr‘s Day.
Against the storm that strives to hide the sun, set your face;
Before devouring ignorance be the staying hand;
Where vows are cheapened and words are made bereft of worth be a treasury of troth;
And where justice fails, tip the scales
To favour the defenceless.
The sacred space this evening.
May the Gods guide us and the ancestors surround us with their wisdom in these uncertain times. May we walk honourably where dishonour is rife, and may we speak and act wisely where ignorance abounds.
Yeah !!
Put #Criminals on #Coins, to #honour them.
When can I buy a #TedBundy Coin or a #JohnGacy Coin ? #BernieMadoff on a Coin - Wonderful.
Give it to me !!!
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, a solemn tribute to unidentified American soldiers who sacrificed their lives.
#BuyIntoArt #ArlingtonNationalCemetery #TombOfTheUnknownSoldier #Remembrance #Memorial #Honour #Autumn #American
There is a sense in which Ragnarok is always imminent. It is held back only by our words and the deeds with which we enact them. May we seek ever to walk our path honourably, justly and with a determination to stand against the ravening chaos.
#pagan #paganism #norsepagan #writer #writing #life #justice #honour #ragnarok #words #actions
I think it's crucial, in the sense that many lives depend on it, to fully understand Trump's character.
According to Jared Kushner, as reported here: "'No one can go as low as [Donald Trump],' he said. 'You shouldn’t even try.'
"I found this baffling for a moment. But then I understood: Kushner wasn’t insulting his father-in-law. He was paying him a compliment."
This is a troubling article, and well worth a read.
Blessings to all on Tyr‘s Day.
Before raging Fenrir,
Against the jaws
That would consume the sun,
Prolong the day;
Fixed in troth to honour,
Though the moon
Would be devoured,
Defend the light;
Justice be your vow,
Your vow so dressed
In deeds that show
Your word is true.
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery symbolizes sacrifice and honors unidentified American soldiers.
#BuyIntoArt #ArlingtonNationalCemetery #TombOfTheUnknownSoldier #Remembrance #Memorial #Honour #American