Serata fitta, segnalo...
#Interstellar (Italia1)
#NoTimeToDie (8)
#APerfectWorld (Iris)
#Split (Italia2)
#JohnWickParabellum (Rai4)
#BladeII (20)
#Dave (27)
Serata fitta, segnalo...
#Interstellar (Italia1)
#NoTimeToDie (8)
#APerfectWorld (Iris)
#Split (Italia2)
#JohnWickParabellum (Rai4)
#BladeII (20)
#Dave (27)
Yeah, we're thinking we're back, Divers. Because it's time for N&D to deliver their Hot Takes on John Wick: Chapter 4. Your tour guides went directly from an IMAX screening into the Podcave in order to bring you their thoughts on Chad Stahelski's Neo-Noir Neo-Western Neo-Chanbara Gun-Fu Thriller as fresh as possible!
Episode 66. Bros Before Rules drops today!
johnwick #johnwick2 #johnwick3 #johnwickparabellum #johnwickmovie #johnwick4 #KeanuReeves #keanu #chadstahelski #thecontinental #8711 #babayaga #ianmcshane #lancereddick #LawrenceFishburne #gunfu #neonoir #donnieyen
#hiroyukisanada #rinasawayama #billskarsgard #billskarsgård #scottadkins #clancybrown #shamieranderson #thehightable #theelder #themarquis #theadjudicator
The long wait is over, Divers. N&D have been promising to Deep Dive the John Wick series since the earliest days of the Podcast and with the release of Chapter 4 imminent the timing was finally right. Episode 65. Gun Fu Theater, Drops Today!
#johnwick #johnwick2 #johnwick3 #johnwickparabellum #johnwickmovie #johnwick4 #KeanuReeves #keanu #chadstahelski #thecontinental #8711 #babayaga #ianmcshane #willemdafoe #lancereddick #LawrenceFishburne #common #johnleguizamo #alfieallen #rubyrose #franconero #halleberry #markdacascos #asiakatedillon #anjelicahuston #saidtaghmaoui #robinlordtaylor #jasonmantzoukas #gunfu #neonoir