Seems I've accidentally gained a pet. #JumpingSpider #arachnids #spiders
So the bold jumper makes it's appearance at times in the house. The other day it was in the bathroom sink, fell down the drain.I found a string and got it hoisted out of the water it was floating in. Put in the sunny window sill. It came to life, proceeded to clean itself, or give me a thumbs up. Yesterday it was on the ceiling above me as I woke up. Today it strolled across the counter to where I was sitting and said hello I guess.
The #jumpingspider #Pseudeuophrys #lanigera (#Salticidae, #Araneae) is a #species that, according to Heiko Bellmann: (Der Kosmos Spinnenführer.2016), originally was #native to #southwestEurope, but has #spread in #CentralEurope since the 1950s, where it lives in the area of human #buildings. According to L. J. Ramseyer & R. L. Crawford (2017) it occurs in #NorthAmerica as a #neozoon.
© #StefanFWirth #Berlin 2025
L. J. Ramseyer & R. L. Crawford (2017):