So far I'm pleasantly surprised with the Kicad 9 updates. My system quietly updated in the background so I'm finding them by accident.
I'll collect my favorites into a thread here as I discover them. 1/
So far I'm pleasantly surprised with the Kicad 9 updates. My system quietly updated in the background so I'm finding them by accident.
I'll collect my favorites into a thread here as I discover them. 1/
@3dprinting Now I need to wire up the rest of the electronics. MOSFET to switch the Peltier, 12V power to the Peltier and fan, 5V converter for the ESP32, GPIOs to the MOSFET's gate and the fan's PWM and tach signals, and an I2C connection to the external temperature/humidity sensor.
I should draw up a schematic in KiCAD just to keep track of all the connections. I haven't used KiCAD in years...
As I always do... next revision started while I wait for the previous to be made. As can't believe NO bugs and was able to tweak some things for power efficiency
Just ordered parts for a very (very) old project of mine. I started this well over a decade ago to support a platform of different display types for clocks (my time nut phase.) It's unfortunately large to fit that format I had before. Moved from a PIC18 to an ESP32-S2-Mini and hoping to get back to my Nixie Tube Clock project. (Don't bother to google as never published it).
As initially announced, this project is of course 100% #OpenHardware and is licensed under the terms of the CERN-OHL-S v2 or later.
The #KiCAD source files for the "relays array" board are already available from , the rest will follow as soon as I implement it
Some Useful Notes On The 6805-EC10 Addressable RGB LED - LEDs are getting smaller and smaller, and the newest generations of indexable RGB ... - #addressableled #ledhacks #rgbled #sk6805 #kicad
I need help with #kicad and #footprint-generator
Does anybody know how to avoid the effect of min_ep_to_pad_clearance parameter?
In a footprint without EP, this parameter keeps a minimum clearance of 0.2mm (just as if there was a EP with 0 mm width), and therefore the inner clearance between pads is 0.2+0.2+0 = 0.4 mm
Not sure how i fixed it, and that's really annoying. But set them up so they are the way I like. Now if I could remember who I stole the idea from. #kicad
OK, for some reason it seems impossible to move the value field and reformat it and have that actually work. It invariable gets put back in some random auto location, even when "Allow autoplacement" isn't checked. #kicad
I'm starting to think that I need to make my own footprints and symbols in #kicad for everything I use. Too many annoyances that are very personal preferences. Maybe just copy and paste the library ones and align them with my personal preferences?
Obviously wasn't paying attention, there's a new version of #KiCad out.
the TPAD470 is growing. now with working traces (out of hell), choc switches, smaller reset button and fancy colors. only the trackpad pins need to be connected to the microcontroller board. I'm slowly starting to understand #KiCad ^
Today I found out about the "replicate layout" plugin for Kicad.
I was looking at repeating a block 64 times and thought there must be a better way.
I'll have to spend some time seeing what other goodies are in the plugins section. I really wish I'd seen this in the past.
There is a great video showing how it works.
@blinry you can do the rails on your design if you want instead. I generally do that, and can give me extra options. E.g. this. Extra v-cuts to allow two different break-out sizes.
I have a few tools to process #kicad files for a custom render that shows the @jlcpcb assemble 2D code and added QR code.
Do ask if you want any tips.