Les USA et l'état sioniste ne savent plus quoi inventer pour cacher les crimes de guerre et contre l'humanité, des sionistes.
Ils vont sanctionner le UNHRC, qui vient de faire un rapport dénonçant la torture systématique des prisonniers palestiniens
> The United States and "Israel" are working on sanctioning the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) over its reports showing evidence of Israeli crimes in Gaza.
UNHRC in its latest investigation, documented Israeli forces' systematic use of rape and sexual violence against Palestinians—including women, men, and children—acts that the report classified as genocide, prompting the US and the Israeli regime to paint the findings of the report as "false", "distorted", and "antisemitic".
Israeli and American representatives at the UN are actively working to advance legislation aimed at imposing economic sanctions and travel bans on UNHRC officials to expand existing US sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to include the UNHRC as well.