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Gestern in der Region #MasaferYatta in der von #Israel besetzten #Westbank, nur wenige Kilometer in der vor ein paar Tagen der Co-Regisseur Hamdan Bilal von #NoOtherLand von Siedlern zusammengeschlagen und anschließend verhaftet wurde, im Dorf Jinba gab es gestern einen Pogrom. Siedler griffen einen Schafhirten & seine Herde an, dann attackierten sie in Dorf die Einwohner und deren Eigentum. Anschließend rückte das Militär an und verhaftete sämtliche männlichen Einwohner.

Yuval Abraham יובל אברהם
The American Academy just apologized to Hamdan for not mentioning his name after he was attacked by Israeli settlers. This came after intense pressure from 600+ principled academy members appalled by the initial response..#NoOtherLand..

"The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has convened an extraordinary meeting to address a crisis over its tepid response to the arrest and detention of Oscar-winning director Hamdan Ballal, of the documentary No Other Land, by Israeli authorities."



The Guardian · Academy board to meet as response to No Other Land director’s arrest decriedBy Adrian Horton

📢 Communiqué du #RAAR

Solidarité avec Hamdan Ballal et les Palestinien·ne·s de Cisjordanie occupée

- raar.info/2025/03/solidarite-a

Le 24 mars 2025, alors que Hamdan Ballal, co-réalisateur palestinien du documentaire primé aux Oscars « No Other Land » participait à une réunion de rupture du jeûne du Ramadan dans son village de Susiya, en Cisjordanie occupée, un groupe d’environ 15 colons israéliens masqués a attaqué les participants avec des pierres et des bâtons.

Lors de cette agression, Ballal a subi des blessures graves à la tête et au ventre.

Au lieu de recevoir immédiatement des soins médicaux, il a été arrêté par les forces militaires israéliennes, menotté, les yeux bandés, et détenu pendant la nuit dans une base militaire avant d’être libéré et conduit à l’hôpital le lendemain matin.

Il a déclaré avoir été battu à nouveau pendant sa détention.

Cet incident illustre tragiquement la violence systématique exercée par les colons israéliens en Cisjordanie occupée et la complicité des forces militaires israéliennes dans la perpétuation de ces abus, ce qui est justement le sujet du film « No Other Land ».

Tourné entre 2019 et 2023, il met en lumière la vie des Palestiniens sous occupation militaire israélienne dans la région de Masafer Yatta, proche de Hébron.

Pour rappel, du 1er Janvier 2024 au 31 Janvier 2025 on dénombrait en Cisjordanie : 555 Palestinien·ne·s tués dont 102 enfants, plus de 3 500 blessé·e·s, parmi lesquels 600 enfants, 1 580 attaques de colons, ainsi que plus de 32 000 personnes déplacées, représentant le chiffre le plus élevé depuis 1967.

Nous condamnons fermement ces actions qui sont en violation flagrante du droit international et de multiples résolutions des Nations Unies, notamment la Résolution 2334 (2016) du Conseil de sécurité, qui demande à Israël de cesser immédiatement toutes ses activités de colonisation en territoire palestinien occupé, y compris Jérusalem-Est.

Il est impératif que la communauté internationale prenne des mesures concrètes pour mettre fin à ces violations des droits humains et assurer une paix juste et durable dans la région.

they released hamdan ballal, but what happened?

They released Hamdan Ballal. But what happened?

Shortly after Palestinian residents had finished their daily Ramadan fast dozens of masked Israeli settlers entered the West Bank village of Susiya.

Some of the settlers were armed with batons, others had knives and one of them was holding an M16 rifle. Among them were a group of Israeli soldiers who escorted the settlers inside the village.
Minutes later, the settlers walked straight over to the house of Hamdan Ballal. The settlers started throwing stones against his house, witnesses said, and chased Ballal to his house, beating him and eventually handing him over to the military. Handcuffed and blindfolded by the soldiers, Ballal, bleeding from his head, was moved to a military vehicle.

The Israeli director of the Oscar-winning documentary No Other Land has condemned the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for its response to a violent attack on his Palestinian co-director Hamdan Ballal, who was beaten by Israeli settlers and detained by Israeli forces in the West Bank on Monday...#NoOtherLand..#Oscars..#Israel..#silence theguardian.com/film/2025/mar/

The Guardian · No Other Land co-director condemns Academy’s letter to members after Hamdan Ballal attackBy Dee Jefferson

🎬 Il reçoit un Oscar à Los Angeles.
Quelques jours plus tard, il est passé à tabac par des colons israéliens, puis arrêté, ensanglanté, devant son fils de 7 ans.

En Palestine, tenir une caméra, c’est déjà un acte de résistance.
Solidarité avec le peuple palestinien et avec celles et ceux qui ne se taisent pas, qui filment « ce qu’ils savent, ce qu’ils voient, ce qui est vrai ».

👉 À lire ici : lesmutins.org/israel-a-tout-pr

Hamdan Ballal: Oscar-winning Palestinian director attacked by Israeli settlers and arrested

A Palestinian director of the #Oscar-winning documentary No Other Land has been arrested by the Israeli army after masked settlers attacked his house.

According to five Jewish American activists who witnessed the attack, #HamdanBallal, one of the four directors of the the film that documented the destruction of villages in the West Bank, was surrounded and attacked by a group of about 15 armed settlers in Susya in the Masafer Yatta area south of Hebron.


More craven cowardice from US institutions...

Report: US academy blasted for silence after settler, soldier attacks on film maker.

The US Academy for Motion Picture Arts and Sciences failed to voice support, reportedly saying the attack may have been “unrelated to the film”.

But a co-director said ""Issuing a statement condemning the attack would send a meaningful message and serve as a deterrent for the future"


#nootherland #israelicrimesagainsthumanity #uspol .

Report Hamdan Ballal, a Palestinian co-director of the Oscar-winning documentary, No Other Land, was brutally attacked by West Bank settlers and then detained by the Israeli military.

He has since been released

Basel Adra, another co-director, witnessed the detention: “We came back from the Oscars and every day since, there is an attack on us."


Exactly how fascists work to silence dissent

#NoOtherLand #israelicrimesagainsthumanity #westbank #ethniccleansing #uspol .

The beating of Hamdam Ballal in the Occupied West Bank by Israeli settlers and his abduction by the IDF could be a reaction on receiving an Oscar for the documentary "No Other Land" which he co-directed.
One year ago his co-directors Yuval Abraham and Basel Adra were accused of antisemitism at the Berlinale where "No Other Land" received the price for best documentary.

Neither in the US nor in Germany the film could be watched by most people because film distributors didn't want to take the risk of being scandalized or canceled. So Israel, USA and Germany are exercising an informal kind of censorship culminating in the brutal assault on Hamdan Ballal.

"Don't show the corpses in our cellar or else" is the unmistakable message these countries who boast of honoring universal values and the freedom of arts are sending to artists who dare to criticize Israels #settlercolonialism and #apartheid regime

#NoOtherLand #arts #cinema #freespeech


Hamdam Ballal speaks about his abduction





#DaveNeal #RushHour

Stories include:
*Oscar Winner #HamdanBallal, director of #NoOtherLand, released

* #WarPlans, #Signal and the oopsie.
Comment: What I'm hoping for is all the MAGA jackasses responsible will end up in prison. The more MAGA in prison or sacked, the better for everyone everywhere.

...and progressive entertainment reporter Dave Neal responds to #centrists and #rightwingers who have unfollowed him as they kvetch about his political content