All three videos in the series are also available on YouTube in 4k:
All three videos in the series are also available on YouTube in 4k:
This is the daylight version of the installation, where you can see the huge movie spotlight from the GDR state-TV station 'DFF' in all it's glory.
Sporting a 70cm fresnel lens, weighting in at 125kg, dating from 1970 and originally being equipped with a 20,000watt lightbulb, this really is a monster.
At the intersection of order and chaos, life happens.
States of energy spring into existence, fluctuate, collapse
And rise again in new configurations.
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In this installation we back-project an oscilloscope screen onto a huge old GDR movie spotlights fresnel lens and bring it to life with a very special animation, made by sound.
"The Flow"
The seed of inspiration.
Gets distorted,
Turned over and over,
Rounded out,
Brought into circulation.
To become the seed.
For the next round.
My adventure into "Oscilloscope Music" is quite a trip.
James Ball's #Osci-Render is really well thought out and encouraging.
This is pretty cool stuff. I didn't realise you could create such detailed patterns in oscilloscopes.
TIL: Es gibt #Musik, die speziell dafür ausgelegt ist, auf einem X/Y-#Oszilloskop sinnvolle #Vektor-#Animationen zu produzieren.
Die Darstellungsprobleme dürften aber eher an unzureichender DC-Kopplung und weniger an der Ausgabequalität an sich liegen.
"The return of OSCILLOSCOPE MUSIC with the N-Spheres EP"