#Project2025 calls for a 25%-40% reduction to the #US #population over the next 4 years.
That's why we are seeing the idiocy we are seeing right now.
#Trump is actually trying to kill us.
#Project2025 calls for a 25%-40% reduction to the #US #population over the next 4 years.
That's why we are seeing the idiocy we are seeing right now.
#Trump is actually trying to kill us.
WorldPop's Andy Tatem and Jessica Espey report on the growing global crisis in #population data in The Conversation. Please share across your networks
"When people vanish from #data, they vanish from #policy. When certain groups are systematically undercounted – often #minorities, #rural communities or #poorer people – they become invisible to #policymakers. This translates directly into #political #underrepresentation and inadequate resource allocation."
In Episode 55, Caroline and Phillip talk about how the town of Gander, Newfoundland had their population nearly double overnight dozens of flights were diverted there on Sept 11.
Subscribe, download and listen today! https://linktr.ee/bwabits
The Population of London compared to some American big cities
Bit selective, but interesting nevertheless. #usa #uk #population
We live in a dangerous world. Canada needs to bulk up
#Canada #World #Growth #Infrastructure #Defense #Housing #Economy #Transit #BuildCanada #Population #StrongerCanada #IndustrialPolicy #DangerousWorld #Future #Innovation #Geopolitics
Several nice pieces in this #RadioLab episode on #Growth, including one on world #population. #Demography
Environnement Planète bleue, idées vertes
Une taxe pour les citoyens qui n’ont pas d’arbre sur leur terrain
#environnement #ait #pollution #chaleur #santé #ville #arbres #taxation #urbanisme #population #Québec #Canada
Hey #population #postgraduate students - only TWO WEEKS left to submit your abstracts on all things #demography, #migration, #health, #data and #population for #PopFest2025.
Head to the info page for more about the research strands and to submit:
You can also apply for a bursary to attend #PopFest2025, designed to support accepted presenters facing barriers to participation.
Submit your bursary application for consideration by 4 April at: https://southampton.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3lLg3lPQJDbm5sW
"As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome."
— Noam Chomsky
20% du patrimoine #génétique de l' #être #humain moderne serait hérité d'une mystérieuse #population #ancestrale
Have we been counting wrong?
Earth could have a lot more people than we realize due to the way we count people in rural areas.
Le nouveau conseiller de Mark #Carney, Mark #Wiseman, appelle à une augmentation massive des niveaux d’ #immigration au #Canada, avec pour objectif ultime de porter la #population du pays à 100 millions d’habitants.
The 2025 World Happiness Report Has Been Released, Finland Ranked Happiest Country for 8th Straight Year, United States Ranks Lower Than Ever https://www.byteseu.com/850176/ #8thStraightYear #Afghanistan #Finland #HappiestCountry #HappyCountry #Life #NorthKorea #people #Population #ranking #survey #Top #UnitedStates #WorldHappinessReport #year
Diaries at the ready - next week Christian Dudel is presenting our #CPCCGwebinar. Hear about findings from an analysis of the causal impact of #smoking on healthy working life expectancy at age 50 using US Health & Retirement Study data.
Register to join us online: https://www.cpc.ac.uk/activities/full_events_calendar/892/CPC_CG_Webinar__Christian_Dudel
Saskatoon population growth sees increased collision risk
Year over year, the number of traffic tickets issued by the Saskatoon police are down while fatal and non-fatal collisions are up significantly.
#traffic #collision #population #risk #Saskatoon #Canada
Saskatoon population growth sees increased collision risk
Year over year, the number of traffic tickets issued by the Saskatoon police are down while fatal and non-fatal collisions are up significantly.
#traffic #collision #population #risk #Saskatoon #Canada
**Global gridded population datasets systematically underrepresent rural population**
_“We find large discrepancies between the examined datasets, and, without exception, significant negative biases of −53%, −65%, −67%, −68%, and −84% for WorldPop, GWP, GRUMP, LandScan, and GHS-POP, respectively. This implies that rural population is, even in the most accurate dataset, underestimated by half compared to reported figures.”_
Láng-Ritter, J., Keskinen, M. & Tenkanen, H. Global gridded population datasets systematically underrepresent rural population. Nat Commun 16, 2170 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-025-56906-7.
#OpenAccess #OA #Article #DOI #Geography #Science #Data #Population #Environment #Academia #Academics @geography @science
Retracez l’histoire de vos ancêtres québécois. Le Registre de la population du Québec ancien s’enrichit considérablement. Une mine d’or pour les généalogistes, les historiens et de nombreux chercheurs.
#généalogie #UdeM #registre #histoire #ancêtres #naissances #mariages #décès #paroisses #Montréal #Québec #Acadie #Ontario #USA #Canada #population
Almost 10,000 Monegasques in the Principality https://www.byteseu.com/847179/ #Monaco #Population