On the anniversary of his death, we reflect with Bl. Marie-Eugène on Mary’s hidden prayer. #prayer

On the anniversary of his death, we reflect with Bl. Marie-Eugène on Mary’s hidden prayer. #prayer
Ottoman Calligraphic Composition, c. 1750 "O God! You are Forgiving, and love forgiveness, so forgive me." #Art #Calligraphy #Prayer
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO VERY MUCH for giving to me the inheritance promised to all who believe in Your Son as their only Savior!*& for delivering me from sin!*& death!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO VERY MUCH for giving to me the inheritance promised to all who believe in Your Son as their only Savior!*& for delivering me from sin!*& death!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO VERY MUCH for giving to me the inheritance promised to all who believe in Your Son as their only Savior!*& for delivering me from sin!*& death!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO VERY MUCH for giving to me the inheritance promised to all who believe in Your Son as their only Savior!*& for delivering me from sin!*& death!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO VERY MUCH for giving to me the inheritance promised to all who believe in Your Son as their only Savior!*& for delivering me from sin!*& death!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO VERY MUCH for giving to me the inheritance promised to all who believe in Your Son as their only Savior!*& for delivering me from sin!*& death!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO VERY MUCH for giving to me the inheritance promised to all who believe in Your Son as their only Savior!*& for delivering me from sin!*& death!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
Latest podcast now online: Disordered Affections
www.frbill.org/frbillpodcast/2025/3/26/fbp-970-disorder-affections #DisorderedAffections #Sin #Lust #Pride #Prayer #Fasting #Almsgiving
Today’s #Bible verse (Philippians 4:6-8) in #TheDisciplesWay begins “Be careful for nothing…” which reads like an adrenaline junkie’s dream. Here, it seems, is God giving permission, indeed telling us, to do whatever we want without worrying about repercussions or caring about any impacts our actions may have. It’s only after reading the rest of the verse “but in every thing by #prayer & supplication with thanksgiving make your requests be known unto God,” that we realize it should be read as “care full” instead. This isn’t a verse about rushing in where angels fear to tread. Rather it’s about worrying, being anxious, & overthinking too much. It’s about turning our concerns & fears over to God by turning them into prayers. Which, if you overthink things to the point of paralysis like I do, is easier said than done. It is, however, worth the effort because when we turn worry/fear over to God we become less angry, defensive, & reactionary. We open ourselves to beauty, joy, & love.
If you're ever in need or #prayer, you're always welcome to come to the rail after the service. Alternatively, leave your #PrayerRequest in the prayer box in the foyer.
From the depths
From the nothing
From the chaos of potential
You rose
Lady Night
Goddess primordial
Opening your eyes to the darkness
Lord Darkness
God Primordial
Rising with your mate into a new world
Lord and Lady
Gods of the eternal blackness
God and Goddess
Dark wings opening space for more
A nest
In the depths
Of darkness and potential
Ready to create
The egg of creation
From which all things came
#thenight #polytheism #Hellenismos #paganism #religion #prayer
In your prayers do not babble as the gentiles do, for they think that by using many words they will make themselves heard. Do not be like them; your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
[Προσευχόμενοι δὲ μὴ βατταλογήσητε ὥσπερ οἱ ἐθνικοί, δοκοῦσιν γὰρ ὅτι ἐν τῇ πολυλογίᾳ αὐτῶν εἰσακουσθήσονται. μὴ οὖν ὁμοιωθῆτε αὐτοῖς· οἶδεν γὰρ ὁ πατὴρ ὑμῶν ὧν χρείαν ἔχετε πρὸ τοῦ ὑμᾶς αἰτῆσαι αὐτόν.]
The Bible (The New Testament) (AD 1st - 2nd C) Christian sacred scripture
Matthew 6: 7-8 (Jesus) [NJB (1985)]
Sourcing, notes, alternate translations: wist.info/bible-nt/75800/
*DEAR Gracious Father!*thank you SO VERY MUCH for the opportunities You daily give all people to know Your Word!*& believe in Christ as their only Savior!
*DEAR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY PLEASE Help me to use the time of grace you have given to me wisely!*living my life as a faithful witness to Your grace!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
*DEAR Gracious Father!*thank you SO VERY MUCH for the opportunities You daily give all people to know Your Word!*& believe in Christ as their only Savior!
*DEAR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY PLEASE Help me to use the time of grace you have given to me wisely!*living my life as a faithful witness to Your grace!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
*DEAR Gracious Father!*thank you SO VERY MUCH for the opportunities You daily give all people to know Your Word!*& believe in Christ as their only Savior!
*DEAR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY PLEASE Help me to use the time of grace you have given to me wisely!*living my life as a faithful witness to Your grace!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!