Okay, upping this to 8.5/10. It's a lot of fun now that I've gotten more into it. Played on my #VitureXRPro glasses last night and whoa
now THAT was dope af. Way less neck strain that way too: #ergonomic #gaming.
I learned you actually have real players on the same map as you, going for the same goals, and they are also enemies! Not just #NPCs running and gunning, though there are plenty and their intelligence is pretty damn good. You can steal everyone's loot! Still working on figuring out the Stash and Marketplace to find the right balance of getting dope gear, selling loot for tokens, and apparently there's a 'forge' style section where I can build weapons and attachments. Need to level up a few more times to open that up.
Just opened up #Ranked too, and it's a solo match (unless you are already in a team) so I control my own destiny, and fight my own fights. As long as you extract from a map, you will progress. If you die, you lose everything on your character, and can't get it back. No Ranked points for dying lol.
#DeltaForce #ProTip only deploy with 1 weapon, the gear with the most available slots, a few hundreds rounds of ammo, 2 or 3 first-aid packs or injectors, at least 2 sergical kits, and 1 debuff. You want to leave plenty of slots open for high value loot, rare weapons you loot from #frags, etc. I've found that carrying anything over 50% capacity doesn't give you space for bigger loot items that have higher values. You end up losing out in the end, unless you take out the #HVTs to earn reward money.
Also, if you're good enough with iron sights or #hipfire, optical upgrades aren't worth the expense IMHO. Barrel upgrades (for distance increases), magazine capacity upgrades, and muzzel or grip upgrades (for enhanced control) are solid. You don't have to pay for the most expensive upgrades to see real differences in gameplay. Even the cheap ones help significantly. Keep in mind, if you die with that modified weapon equipped, you lose it.
Well made game. Will be playing this for a bit lol.