Still thinking about the maniac who was flashing his Dodge Ram's high beams at me, for the offense of stopping at a red light. The audacity of me, I know.
Like him, I was preparing to turn right, and I don't live in Montreal so it's legal if safe to do so, but given the stream of cars crossing the intersection at high speed, it was anything but safe.
The lunatic was ready to drive around me to force his way into the intersection when I got a decent gap in cross traffic and tore away from him and his lunacy.
Of course he jetted onto the main road and I quickly merged a few lanes away from him. I could see him yelling at me in a frothy rage.
Fortunately my next intersection was a left hand turn, whereas he had to turn right again. And once again Mr #RoadRage got worked up into a lather because the driver in front of him was doing the same thing as me: patiently waiting for a gap in cross traffic before turning.
The only saving grace I suppose is it instantly showed me that this was nothing personal. Everyone and anyone on the road was an obstacle to his manic driving.
There was some stat about Dodge Ram drivers having an absolutely awful association with substance abuse and presumably anger management issues. And it shows.