Via Hacker News:
Dogs are still better at it!
Après avoir lu des articles sur les IA qui rampes dans les sites et les git des projets open sources et qui pollue (corromps ? ) ces projets et dont les propriétaires sont obligé de mettre en place des défenses type Anubis....
En fait elle a démarré la guerre des humains contre les robots.
Juste ça se passe en ligne...
El lado del mal - I, Robot: El problema de Shadow AI y las Botnets de Robots con IA #robots #IA #Botnets #ShadowAI #IA #InteligenciaArtificial #ciberseguridad
Webinars Are Old News.
Here Is Something New: #Webinars!
ITSPmagazine Webinars — The Future Of Thought Leadership Is Here
More Than Just a Presentation—They Are Conversations That Matter.
In this short intro episode, Sean Martin and I share why we’re redefining the webinar experience. No boring decks. No sales pitches disguised as panels. Just real, honest, expert-led conversations that dive deep into the technology, the cybersecurity, and societal topics shaping our world.
From #AI in healthcare and secure coding, to #smartcities, #space, #robots, #quantum computing—and yes, maybe even #pizza —these sessions bring together industry #leaders, innovators, and curious minds like you.
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Or catch the replay on demand. Either way, the learning—and the #thinking—never stop.
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AI In #Healthcare: Who Benefits, Who Pays, And Who’s At Risk? — An ITSPmagazine Thought #Leadership Webinar | Mar 25, 2025
Webinars aren’t dead.
They just needed a reboot.
This is it!
#cybersecurity, #technology, #webinars, #thoughtleadership, #AI, #innovation, #infosec, #society
BREAKING NEWS: Musk and Tesla intend to build 5,000 units of its Optimus humanoid robot this year.
In unrelated news, the robots will be programmed to vote Trump and will spontaneously combust for no reason.
Friday Public Service Announcement:
If you're in a Nazi-punching mood and don't have any Aryans or Aryan-wannabes around, "Kung Fury" is fully available on YouTube to scratch that itch.
I've fast-forwarded it to the Nazi-punching part for you.
#KungFury #Synthwave #Dinosaurs #Vikings #Robots
KUNG FURY Official Movie [HD]
En China, los robots que también son paneles solares, limpian los otros paneles solares.
WRITER FUEL: From a disembodied torso to a "friendly" robot with unnervingly human facial expressions, here are seven of the most advanced humanoid robots in the world. Hydrogen Energy Storage Market Size to Soars USD 34.56 Billion by 2034 #ArtificialIntelligence #Automation #emagazine #Energy #Events #ezine #IndustrialRobots #jobs #magazine #News #newsletter #PersonalRobots #robot #Robotics #RoboticsArticles #RoboticsCompanies #RoboticsConferences #RoboticsIndustry #RoboticsNews #RoboticsResources #RoboticsTechnology #robots #training
Here's an image of a robot cell for automated disassembly of EV battery packs.
Find out more by listening to Episode 114 of Robot Talk - available on all major podcast providers:
Josie Gotz is a Senior Research Engineer at the Manufacturing Technology Centre. She works as the technical lead on robotics and automation projects across a wide variety of manufacturing sectors, but she has a particular interest in automated disassembly for material recovery, reuse and recycling.
Listen to our chat here:
New Episode Alert!
This week, I chatted to Josie Gotz from the Manufacturing Technology Centre about #robotics for material recovery, reuse, and recycling.
Listen now: #Robots #Manufacturing #Recycling #Automation
Biologists and engineers at the University of California, Berkeley have designed an agile, squirrel-inspired robot that can leap from perch to perch. To do this, they first had to understand how squirrels achieve their impressive landings. #Robots #Robotics #Biology
Just uploaded this free story on Itch because I can't help myself when it comes to robots
Based on the Reddit post about a Roomba "accidentally" seeing outside
LEGO 75368 Darth Vader Mech - Timelapse Build #robots #lego #starwars #darthvader #disney #mech
How #Spotify tricked us all – #Music lovers embraced it as a 'celestial jukebox' - but a new book reveals how its #business model is flattening the #MusicalLandscape into ‘vibes’ curated by #robots