GLOVES OFF: 'Bernie Sanders drops BOMB on Elon Musk'
GLOVES OFF: 'Bernie Sanders drops BOMB on Elon Musk'
Sen. #Sanders Responds to #Trumps #Congressional Address by
#SenatorBernieSanders #yt
Man arrested for setting fire at Sen. Bernie Sanders'
office, motive remains unclear
-- Associated Press headline
#arson #bernardsanders #berniesanders #burlingtonvermont #politicalviolence #senatorberniesanders #senatorsanders #senbernardsanders #senberniesanders #sensanders #vermont
CBS Radio News has been playing a clip, off and on all day, of my United States Senator, Bernie Sanders, saying that Israel has a right to defend itself and to respond to the horrific terrorist attack from Hamas, but it does not have a right to wage war against an entire people.
It is not new. This comes from his US Senate website.
Dec 19, 2023 — Israel has the right to go to war against Hamas. It does not have the right to go to war against innocent men, women, and children in Gaza.
Back in the 1980s, Benjamin Netanyahu would come to Washington DC and appear on a national television broadcast, CBS News Nightwatch, which originated from DC. He was a warmonger way back then and he has since shown himself to be a vicious war criminal. I mean, come on: - by now it is undeniable. Americans want to do all we can to support Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu is making it impossible.
A type of detente is needed between Israel and a Palestinian state and none of it is going to happen as long as Benjamin Netanyahu sits atop Israel's government.
#benjaminnetanyahu #berniesanders #cbsnewsnightwatch #democrats #netanyahu #nightwatch #palestine #palestinians #palestinianstate #senatorberniesanders #senberniesanders