Listening to other #Eurovision entries besides #Sweden. Sweden will not win, the song doesn't sound important. It will not brake #TheCode, but it will do well. it's too #silly.
Listening to other #Eurovision entries besides #Sweden. Sweden will not win, the song doesn't sound important. It will not brake #TheCode, but it will do well. it's too #silly.
Look, it isn't NetflixAndChill, that's old ppl stuff.
It's Couch Co-Op!
Something Jordan wished existed in our recent #podcast on the #PopCulture of #Centaurus was a real version of this puzzle, which is, erm, a steam-punk centaur??
Find out more about our favorites, least favorites, and wished fors here:
Check out a new #behindthescenes video on my YouTube channel!
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Reason to complete Turret Baffler when it's released: you can enable Big Head Mode. And disable your crosshairs/minimap, but we all know which is more fun!
#Dumb Things People Say About #Gods
Not again... #Theists saying #silly things about gods and why #atheism is #stupid. But guess what... none of it sticks. But we do get to listen to some #ridiculous things that people think about #nonbelievers, and why they think they have proof for their gods... enjoy.
#NowPlaying #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying
You Are What You Is
Goblin Girl
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Tune in THIS SATURDAY at 9PM EST for WAWTC - Electro-Latino group, Señor Coconut play Kraftwerk like you've never heard before and MORE! LISTEN HERE
#radio #kraftwerk #senorcoconut #electronicmusic #fun #silly #slack #subgenius #slackradio #wawtc
@Ferg @RStreetSweeper @onan @philo @Saint_Kaosmic_BobKat @mazigazi @samatari @minimallysimple