7 Signs Of AI-Generated Content On LinkedIn https://www.byteseu.com/846613/ #AI #AIGeneratedContent #ArtificialIntelligence #creator #founder #influencer #leader #LinkedIn #marketing #PersonalBrand #Startup
7 Signs Of AI-Generated Content On LinkedIn https://www.byteseu.com/846613/ #AI #AIGeneratedContent #ArtificialIntelligence #creator #founder #influencer #leader #LinkedIn #marketing #PersonalBrand #Startup
"Die Höhle der Löwen": Letzte Chance für drei Investoren: Wer holt die besten Deals? | #DHDL #HöhlederLöwen #VOX #Investoren #Startup
"Die Höhle der Löwen": Letzte Chance für drei Investoren: Wer holt die besten Deals? | #DHDL #HöhlederLöwen #VOX #Investoren #Startup
»These Are The Fintech IPOs That Could Follow Klarna’s Debut« https://news.crunchbase.com/public/venture-backed-fintech-startups-ipo-candidates-klarna/?PIRATES.BZ #Pirates #Tech #Startup #News
»Who Owns Your Face? The Legal Fight for Identity In The Age of AI« https://news.crunchbase.com/ai/personal-identity-legal-fight-solomon-amplify/?PIRATES.BZ #Pirates #Tech #Startup #News
Lies companies tell themselves: "We think like a startup but build for an enterprise"
How much bureaucracy is between an idea for useful work and actually working on it? How much time does your team spend on status reports?
Ba al duzu oinarri teknologiko edo industrialaren ideiarik? 'Mondragon Unibertsitatea Industrial Sustainable Entrepeneurship Awards’ lehiaketak izen-ematea ireki du. https://buff.ly/J55KQ53
Ba al duzu oinarri teknologiko edo industrialaren ideiarik? 'Mondragon Unibertsitatea Industrial Sustainable Entrepeneurship Awards’ lehiaketak izen-ematea ireki du. https://buff.ly/J55KQ53
»Pruna AI open sources its AI model optimization framework« https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/20/pruna-ai-open-sources-its-ai-model-optimization-framework/?PIRATES.BZ #Pirates #Tech #Startup #News
Can H-1B visa holders start a business in the US?
Yes, but with restrictions! While you can own a business, you can’t actively manage it unless you have a work permit for that role.
I break down the rules, workarounds, and key steps to start a business while on an H-1B visa.
#H1B #Startup #Entrepreneurship #Visa
»Amid calls for sovereign EU tech stack, Evroc raises $55M to build a hyperscale cloud in Europe« https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/20/amid-calls-for-sovereign-eu-tech-stack-evroc-raises-55m-to-build-a-hyperscale-cloud-in-europe/?PIRATES.BZ #Pirates #Tech #Startup #News
»Avaneidi launches latest-generation storage infrastructure, CyberStorage« https://www.startupreporter.eu/avaneidi-launches-latest-generation-storage-infrastructure/?PIRATES.BZ #Pirates #Tech #Startup #News
»ClearGrid, armed with a fresh $10M, is developing AI to improve debt collection in MENA« https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/19/cleargrid-armed-with-10m-uses-ai-to-fix-debt-collection-in-mena/?PIRATES.BZ #Pirates #Tech #Startup #News
»Seattle startup Workflow Labs raises $1M to help automate tasks for Amazon sellers« https://www.geekwire.com/2025/seattle-startup-workflow-labs-raises-1m-to-help-automate-tasks-for-amazon-sellers/?PIRATES.BZ #Pirates #Tech #Startup #News