The new episode of Opal City Confidential will drop tomorrow at 4 AM East Coast Time
#Starman #OpalCity #JLE #JusticeLeague #JusticeLeagueEurope #TheMist #CrimsonFox #AmazingMan #BlueDevil #IceMadian #Firestorm #JamesRobinson #DustyAbell #TonyHarris
The new episode of Opal City Confidential will drop tomorrow at 4 AM East Coast Time
#Starman #OpalCity #JLE #JusticeLeague #JusticeLeagueEurope #TheMist #CrimsonFox #AmazingMan #BlueDevil #IceMadian #Firestorm #JamesRobinson #DustyAbell #TonyHarris
Just finished watching The Mist as I heard a lot of great things about it.
I was not expecting that ending. Absolutely brutal.
I enjoyed it. The CGI definitely doesn't hold up, and the interpersonal drama has been done many times in zombie films, but I think it's well executed here - especially for a non-zombie film.
#ApocalypticMovies #DisasterMovies #FilmMastodon
#TheMist (2007)
A thick fog descends upon a rural community killing anyone caught outside survivors seek refuge in a local store. Trapped in a darkened cloud of pure horror the denizens of the town must fend off murderous monster waves.
#HappyBirthday @switwer1 #SamWitwer #actor #DarthMaul #starwars #TheCloneWars #rebels #Resistance #thebookofbobbafett #andor #RogueOne #TheLastJedi #solostarwarsstory #TheRiseofSkywalker #startrek #Enterprise #themist #riverdale #BattlestarGalactica #dexter #smallville #beinghuman #Supergirl #mythicquest @streammaxla @starwars @disneyplusla @startrek @startrekonpplus
#happybirthday @Wm_Sadler #williamsadler #actor #luthersloan #section31 #startrek #deepspacenine #ironman3 #themist #roswell #billandted #bogusjourney #FacetheMusic #theblacklist #agentsofshield #hawaiifive0 #damages #Homeland #TheHollow #WhenTheySeeUs #TheGrudge #AliceFadesAway #TheUnholy #ds930 #startrek57 @trekcore
The movie #TheMist was released 16 years ago
''But you take those things away, you throw people in the dark, you scare the shit out of them - no more rules.''
#happybirthday #williamsadler #actor #luthersloan #section31 #startrek #deepspacenine #ironman3 #themist #roswell #billandted #bogusjourney #FacetheMusic #theblacklist #agentsofshield #hawaiifive0 #damages #Homeland #TheHollow #WhenTheySeeUs #TheGrudge #AliceFadesAway #TheUnholy #ds930 #startrek56 @trekcore