2025 Kia EV4 confirmed for Australia https://www.byteseu.com/782967/ #2025KiaEV4ConfirmedForAustralia #Advice #Australia #CarReviews #Cars #CarsalesCarsales.com.au #LatestCarNews #NewCars #News #UsedCars
2025 Kia EV4 confirmed for Australia https://www.byteseu.com/782967/ #2025KiaEV4ConfirmedForAustralia #Advice #Australia #CarReviews #Cars #CarsalesCarsales.com.au #LatestCarNews #NewCars #News #UsedCars
This ad too was banned in the #UsedCars Magazine (I think)
Too good to be true!
(auto advertising uses this)
Many people are saying "I didn't think I was voting for Trump for this"
Sime Motors AutoArena: Get free solar system with selected pre-owned EVs #bmw #bmwev #bmwmotorrad #byd #cars #deals #ev #featured #hyundai #jaguar #preownedev #preownedevmalaysia #simedarby #simedarbyautoselection #simedarbymotors #simedarbymotorsev #simemotors #simemotorsautoarena #simemotorsev #usedcars #usedev #usedevmalaysia #volvo
ICYMI: Google Merchant Center adds vehicle registration date field for European markets: New mandatory date attribute helps dealers list used vehicles in Germany, France, Italy and Spain on Google Merchant Center. https://ppc.land/google-merchant-center-adds-vehicle-registration-date-field-for-european-markets/ #GoogleMerchantCenter #Ecommerce #AutoIndustry #DigitalMarketing #UsedCars
ICYMI: Google Merchant Center adds vehicle registration date field for European markets: New mandatory date attribute helps dealers list used vehicles in Germany, France, Italy and Spain on Google Merchant Center. https://ppc.land/google-merchant-center-adds-vehicle-registration-date-field-for-european-markets/ #GoogleMerchantCenter #VehicleRegistration #UsedCars #DigitalMarketing #AutoDealers
Google Merchant Center adds vehicle registration date field for European markets: New mandatory date attribute helps dealers list used vehicles in Germany, France, Italy and Spain on Google Merchant Center. https://ppc.land/google-merchant-center-adds-vehicle-registration-date-field-for-european-markets/ #GoogleMerchantCenter #VehicleRegistration #UsedCars #DigitalMarketing #ECommerce
Google Merchant Center adds vehicle registration date field for European markets https://ppc.land/google-merchant-center-adds-vehicle-registration-date-field-for-european-markets/ #GoogleMerchantCenter #VehicleRegistration #UsedCars #DigitalMarketing #ECommerce
#remembering #DavidLLander #actor #ferengi #Kreechta #tactician #startrek #thenextgeneration #PeakPerformance #Squiggy #LaverneAndShirley #TwinPeaks #oswald #funland #usedcars #MastersofMenace #whoframedrogerrabbit #scarymovie #TitanAE #ChristmaswiththeKranks #zoom #GoldieandBear #startrek57 @trekcore
I helped a dealer buy/sell a base $TSLA 2018 Model3 earlier this year. Year/miles didn't matter to the market, buy @ auction wait 3mon, sell @ auction for more
Wholesale data
Peak was 6 months ago: $47,000
Today $29,300
Why? Lower gas prices, rates, over speculation