Architecture of the new residence at the NSCC Waterfront Campus in Dartmouth, NS. #photography #architecture #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #walls #windows #angles #EastCoastKin
First release!
A bash script which downloads the latest picture of the day from or and sets it as a wallpaper.
Currently, supports XFCE, Gnome, KDE, LXDE, LXQT, i3, MATE and Cinnamon, on Linux and BSD.
One day, one map
Far from the reality of state control
#Migrations #Cartography #Walls #Deaths #Camps #Borders
Source: Migreurop, 2022
Marshalsea Prison Wall in London, England
The remains of the debtor’s prison that shaped Charles Dickens’ life and writing.#walls #prisons #charlesdickens #section-Atlas
Marshalsea Prison Wall
Many venues make it hard to post on walls at events. Here's why we often need to be able to post on walls at meetings.
Paris – Montmartre – The Painter - Street Art By Jérôme Mesnager
#paris #montmartre #streetart #painters #painter #jeromemesnager #artists #streets #bricks #walls
#photography #photos #monochromephotography #streetphotography
YouTube, when the walls fell [video] —
#HackerNews #YouTube #walls #fell #video #YouTubeContent #videoShare #HackerNews