Exciting new paper here assessing ages for #puberty onset and #menarche among #UpperPalaeolithic #huntergatherers (from Russia, Czechia, Italy).
'Our results revealed that while puberty had begun by 13.5 years of age for the majority of individuals, there was a lot of variability, with the adolescents from Arene Candide (AC1 and AC16), both aged around 16 years when they died, taking several years longer to progress through puberty than their peers. Assessing the age of menarche was challenging due to the paucity of female adolescents, but based on the available evidence, it appears to have occurred between 16 and 17 years of age. For some, full adulthood had been achieved by 17–22 years, similar to the patterns seen in modern wealthy countries and in advance of historic populations living in urbanized environments.'
#adolescence #lifehistory #humanevolution #anthropology #archaeology #burials