This paper using gene sequences to track linguistic 'capacity' is from a #Chomskyite perspective (eg Tattersall among authors) pinning #language #evolution to #genetic #mutation!
But even chimps and bonobos have significant 'capacity' so the key question would be #social conditions which liberate that capacity.
We know from the #ochre record that #ritual culture had become #PanAfrican by 140,000 years ago. This date needs to catch up! They have shell beads in Morocco already.
Here's Chris Knight's key article on #ritual/speech coevolution as matrix and scaffold of #trust across #speech #communites. In 1998 he posited 130,000 years, and today it needs pushing back, coinciding with our process of speciation. At least the Chomsky crew here are conceding earlier dates for the critical transition to #language (they used to argue it was in the region 50-70,000 years wgo, which is now looking dumb).
#KitOpie will be talking more on this subject in our session on Tuesday evening. On Bsky, he says:
'Really looking forward to this talk at where I’ll argue that the evolution of menopause is crucial to an understanding of the evolution of modern humans and language.'
Bang on, the social behaviours are critical!