Wish I could archive this site before it's taken down.
#america #usgovernment #globalchange #climatechange #globalwarming #environment #archives #resistance
Data uploaded here:
@aerofreak I'm kind of hoping one of the people downloading and archiving government sites is aware of this one and scrapes it.
Wget is kind of inefficient.
@michael_martinez I'm trying to grab what I can now.
@michael_martinez I've got most of it. Give me a day or two for the hosting.
@michael_martinez I've got it. It's about 120GB of data, mainly tif files and a couple of pdf reports.
@vwbusguy Let me know when you've got it online. I'll edit my original post, which has been boosted a few times.
@vwbusguy I've added the link to my original post.
At least some of it is preserved on the Wayback Machine.
@angelastella Unfortunately, it only takes a simple change to a site's "robots.txt" file or directives to remove copies from the Wayback Machine. It's not a good substitute for a site the fascists in Washington want to take down.
@michael_martinez @blogdiva I've got it set up for full archiving at Archive.org. Cheers!
@michael_martinez @blogdiva Rather, *I* didn't set it up. I asked someone on the Archive Team to set it up.
After I asked them to add it to the queue for full archiving, they noticed that they're missing a bunch of other subdomains from globalchange.gov, so they're going to search for those and add them to the queue, as well.