Here’s my new song Broken Lawn Chair. 4 guitars. Danelectro baritone & Fender p-bass up the middle and Gretsch 5422 & Danelectro 59M panned hard left & right. Baritone is tuned down to A. Harp is Hohner G mic’d & through MXR Timmy. Nice to do some blues again. #OriginalMusicTracks #music #recording #guitar
Very cool, great traditional blues number. I would have probably added a bit of a harp flourish at the end, but it is fine just as is.
@GuitarSith Thanks Alan, yeah I really struggle with how many choices, variations and possibilities with song structure there can be. I debated the intro with bass only, then thought about intro with the two standard tuned guitars hard panned. Jeez, there’s so many choices and decisions! I ended up with just the baritone for the intro. I also tried harp fills throughout the song between lyric lines but it seemed too much. And I’m really trying to break my addiction of using way too much reverb. Hardly used any reverb on this tune. I also had a harp chord at the end on final chord, but nuked that! Onward we plod, learning more each day!
One of the best things about DAWs and pretty much unlimited tracking is that it becomes possible to try all kinds of different arrangements and voicings. My first introduction to this was on this version of Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi. Same song but entirely different from the originally released album version.
@GuitarSith Wow, great version. Very dynamic! Thanks, never heard that variation before. Now I like it more than the mainstream original release!
Me too, it’s my favourite song on the This Left Feels Right album. What amazed me about it was how such slight changes can completely transform a song.
@strayhorse really dig this one! Vocals come through great, composition is nice and balanced, but still hits when it needs to hit. Nice work!