From today’s #aiart project: An autumnal woodcut set of folk-horror tarot cards.
Designed in #midjourney and taking inspo from sources such as British folklore, ‘70s Hammer movies and NWOBHM bands like AngelWitch and modern ones like Green Lung.
I’ve followed this woodcut vibe by hitting the woods, hills and Mesolithic flint quarries of the Chilterns to see if I can get some folk-horror frissons. The third photograph is from Monks Risborough - the top of a hill on which a bronze-age barrow contains a distinguished tomb. On the side of the hill I am looking over is the gigantic, carved chalk shape, perhaps 200 feet high and visible from miles around - of an inverted cross. It is thought to be more recent - 18th century villagers having carved it to cover some earlier design. What was so shocking that it had to be obliterated by an upside-down cruxifix shape? The wind whistles and kestrels hover in place. Then, on the way back, I met this lil’ tree defying the gloom by going out in a blaze of glory, and I am 100% here for its 900-foot attitude. #folkhorror #invertedcross #demonology #chilterns #buckinghamshire #hillfigure #bronzeage #neolithic #ancient #hillfort #barrow #countryside #autumnvibes #archaeology #ghoststories #MRJames #gothic #ruralgothic #hillfigures
Sidebar - this is happening on Saturday night - a fascinating talk/event in London (and online) on the gothic and haunted possibilities of landscape. Anyone here going (online or irl)? It looks AWESOME. #haunted #gothic #landscape #folkhorror #fortean
And finally on the #folkhorror theme for today, setting a little Midjourney thing running on where we might be most likely to sight Herne The Hunter if he slipped into our lives today. This figure striding along, stag’s antlers and indistinct, deer-skull features as he emerges from the shadows on the High Street; would be terrifying.