In college a friend was in love with Waffle House. The grit. The grime. The grease. Waitresses that call you doll baby. Novelty songs on the jukebox. Then she went home to Montreal. And missed it all. Sent us a request – "steal me a Waffle House menu!" This wouldn't be easy. Every Waffle House is a panopiticon. Too small for secrets. But we had a plan. As I studied my menu a guy dumped a pitcher of sweet tea in my lap. I yelled and headed outside. A big mess. With my menu in hand... It was mailed to Canada the next day. Our Big Heist was always going to happen. Whatever the circumstances. You just can't stop shameless youth. #90s #youth #heist #food
@ruralgloom good job sir! I wish Waffle House was in Europe, sadly I don't think that will ever happen..
@thomas_klopf Maybe an expat can get something together for you! The tricky part out of region is getting the grits and biscuits right. That's tough in most of the US even.
@ruralgloom Hah, I brought back a bunch of boxes of 5-minute grits on my last visit to the US, at least something Biscuits though.. yeah..
@thomas_klopf Biscuits need a self rising flour that is only sold regionally here even. Waffle House doesn't really do corn bread but that is another case of needing a regional corn meal.
@ruralgloom my wife makes a really good cornbread from local stuff here (Prague). The only thing I absolutely can't get nor reproduce are: crawfish, triscuits, and easy cheese (and now self-rising flour) (I'm from New Orleans btw)
@thomas_klopf That would be tough! Specialty sausages like andouille and boudin too I imagine. We can buy crawfish here in Jacksonville, FL but cajun food is very limited sadly. I get Crawfish Étouffée etc on road trips.
@ruralgloom you're making me homesick now! :)
@thomas_klopf There are downsides though like..
@ruralgloom haha I don’t remember that particular jingle from our 90s Waffle House, but yeah I do recall some of the music being terrible
@thomas_klopf These showed up late 90s. A full album of these Waffle House songs!
@ruralgloom Waffle House has a special place in our hearts, as our dad used to work there when we were tiny babies.
@Lawkbutt Not bad actually! Especially late nights. It can be like a club in there then.
@ruralgloom We would visit these when we would travel on vacation. Good times!
@ruralgloom The Waffle House Hurricane Index shows the importance of this business.
@cmeier Always a bad sign as the Waffle Houses close down! Like seeing Jim Cantore standing on your beach.
@ruralgloom On a similar note, some friends of mine in the 90s endeavored to steal as much of a full place setting at Perkins as possible.
They had one of those "stands up on the table" menus, a full set of silverware, *and a chair*.
Given Perkins is a 24/7 restaurant, I think the chair was from when they drove past the place while the floors were being deep-cleaned, and they noticed all the chairs were in the parking lot.
@skullvalanche I could have helped fill in gaps here! A college friend worked at a Florida Perkins. Although this gave us no real advantages? He ignored us and expected a tip "just because."