In college a friend was in love with Waffle House. The grit. The grime. The grease. Waitresses that call you doll baby. Novelty songs on the jukebox. Then she went home to Montreal. And missed it all. Sent us a request – "steal me a Waffle House menu!" This wouldn't be easy. Every Waffle House is a panopiticon. Too small for secrets. But we had a plan. As I studied my menu a guy dumped a pitcher of sweet tea in my lap. I yelled and headed outside. A big mess. With my menu in hand... It was mailed to Canada the next day. Our Big Heist was always going to happen. Whatever the circumstances. You just can't stop shameless youth. #90s #youth #heist #food
@ruralgloom The Waffle House Hurricane Index shows the importance of this business.
@cmeier Always a bad sign as the Waffle Houses close down! Like seeing Jim Cantore standing on your beach.