Mastodon Post
"Republicans" do not accept the outcome of elections except when they win.
"Republicans" do not accept the peaceful transfer of power except when they win.
"Republicans: do not believe in the rule of law except when they win in court.
"Republicans" do not accept that no one is above the law. "Republicans," they believe, ARE above the law, starting with Donald Trump.
"Republicans" believe in getting their way one hundred percent of the time.
"Republicans" believe in battlefield weapons on American streets.
"Republicans" believe in guns in the hands of everyone including criminals.
"Republicans" believe in gun lobby money.
And, of course, "Republicans" believe in forced birth.
#abortion #democrats #elections #forcedbirth #forcedbirther #forcedbirthers #guncontrol #gunlobby #gunviolence #nooneisabovethelaw #peacefultransferofpower #ruleoflaw #trumpparty #trumpreich