Another piece from my upcoming series “PLAY AGAIN” #pixelart #pixel #digitalart #1bit #art
Another piece from my upcoming series “PLAY AGAIN” #pixelart #pixel #digitalart #1bit #art
Petit dessin du samedi matin. J’ai tellement aimé le livre de Richard Adams Watership Down que je ne pouvais pas ne pas dessiner quelque chose à propos de ce livre. L’image est en 512*342 pixels, elle a été réalisée avec Aseprite et sera destinée à terme à aller dans un zine que je vais créer avec Decker (un logiciel absolument merveilleux dans lequel la frontière entre l’utilisation du logiciel et la conception de celui-ci devient très floue et qui s’inspire du logiciel Hypercards pour les plus anciens à qui ça parlerait)
It seems like a fellow mineral lover took over the @pixel_dailies account for a couple days
Challenge accepted! ( Here's a screenshot of a very, very early but playable #AgentsOfGroove prototype (on the left, if you can't tell ) vs. the most recent look for the same level (on the right!). The game has come a long way!
@pixel_dailies Spacetime #Key (from #SailorMoon)
Dark #Mode
#BabyAnimal (from #Pokemon)
Happy Tuesday @pixel_dailies enjoyers! Here is a compilation of #aquatic #animals from my Dailies archive
I've been busy overhauling the puzzle engine for #TaiFab 2 (my current #GBStudio project), and I'm happy with the results so far
New art feature in #AgentsOfGroove: some levels will have appropriately themed DJ consoles. Find them throughout the game as an extra treat! Art, as always, by
February 2025 @pixel_dailies all done! In particular, you can see my entry for today's theme, #FirstAidKit
I have now drawn 425 #Pixel_Dailies since I started in January last year!
Today's @pixel_dailies prompt was "cloudy", and the celestial forecast is in fact cloudy.
@pixel_dailies #apartment (without the extra