46 years ago today
Crass at Acklam Hall, Portobello Road, London, March 26, 1979.
Photo by Tony Barber
46 years ago today
Crass at Acklam Hall, Portobello Road, London, March 26, 1979.
Photo by Tony Barber
Le podcast est là : https://pyongyangcityrockers.wordpress.com/2025/03/19/평양-city-rockers-380-arnacouille-la-fripouille-19-03-2025/
Dans cet épisode, nous recevons un appel d'un militant antifasciste qui à ses heures perdues enquête sur un réseau pratiquant l' "économie circulaire" à son seul bénéfice : on parle de la galaxie Anarchoi, les sites pirate-punk, infolibertaire, ni-dieu-ni-maitre. Ca dure 25 minutes en 2 parties, 5 secondes de merdouillou technique inclus... sinon y a de la zique de #RudimentaryPeni, #SplitDogs, #Sympos, #SpontArStad, #Castet, #PsykanalyzProd, #Saez et #grazia Merci !
Alerta Alerta Antifascista! Friday the 2nd of May will be the next edition of Antifafest! This year the bands Dislexia, Blind to the Bars (former Slapende Honden) and Curselifter will be playing! Accompanied by a stand from AFA Nederland! Come to enjoy the music and to mosh against fascism!
Alerta Alerta Antifascista! Vrijdag 2 mei is het weer zo ver voor de nieuwe editie van Antifafest! Dit jaar komen dislexia, blind to the bars (voormalig slapende honden) en curselifter spelen! Met een stand van AFA Nederland! Kom genieten van de harde muziek en om te moshen tegen fascisme!
#AntiFascist #antifafest #AntiFascism #antiracism #anarchafeminism #AnarchoPunk #Anarchism #Anarchy #dbeat #diebietruwpunk #hardcore #grindcore #diyshop #diyshow #diyconcert #tinnituspatches #boogiedebaby
MRTVÁ BUDOUCNOST | The worst of 94-96
vynikající dezert přímo z 90. let.. totální klasika anarcho-punku v crust omáčce - je to bomba! mám ve sluchátkách velmi často..
666% #DIY #muSICK #crust #punk #powerviolence #fastcore @punk #anarchopunk #Cesko
Unsanitary Napkin – All Billionaires Are Bastards
#ACAB #FUCKBILLIONAIRES #Punk #STANDUPFORTRANSRIGHTS #anarchohardcore #anarchopunk #feministpunk #garagepunk #hardcorepunk #Wellington
CC BY-NC-SA (#CreativeCommons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike) #ccmusic
Un nouvel album de CONFLICT vingt ans après leur dernier disque studio. Sortie prévue le 24 avril.
#anarchopunk #punk #conflict
Ihitiko Ksespasma (Ηχητικό Ξέσπασμα, or Noise Outburst) from Thessaloniki was one of the collectives we supported through DIY Solidarity.
In this interview, we talk about the anti-commercial and political dimensions of the DIY punk scene, the Panhellenic Meeting of Self‐Organized Concert Groups and Studios at the Yfanet squat, and making DIY a threat to the commodity culture again.
"Pass It Along" is a song by English rock band Chumbawamba, taken from their 2000 studio album WYSIWYG. The song mocks gated communities and a lack of public spaces, as well as Microsoft and its founder, Bill Gates. Its chorus is based on the Microsoft slogan "Where do you want to go today?" The song was originally released as a CD single in 2000 in Europe and the United States, and met with favorable critical reception. In 2001, the group released a remix of the song as a free digital download; the new version included samples from numerous pop songs and public figures.
In 2002, General Motors paid the group between $70,000 and $100,000 for the right to use the song in a television commercial for the Pontiac Vibe. Chumbawamba, despite having turned down some previous song-rights offers, accepted the payment from GM, and then donated the money to two consumer advocacy groups (indymedia and corpwatch) which dedicated the money to launching anti-GM information campaigns.
Last year, we launched the project DIY Solidarity that allows us to redistribute funds among DIY communities to beat at least some of the injustices that come with a global economic order completely out of balance.
The new application window will be open from March 1-31 at https://diysolidarity.org.
Visit the page to learn more.
This Friday we'll publish a new interview with one of the collectives we funded in 2024.
Heute mit #AnarchoPunk
Subhumans - Mickey Mouse Is Dead
Cry Out – More Echoes Of A Question Never Answered... Why?
#Punk #anarchopunk #hardcorepunk #peacepunk #primative #punkhalifax #London
CC BY-NC-ND (#CreativeCommons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives) #ccmusic
(Post-)Punk/Hardcore/Rock/Metal and associates
Posting here now, as the "old" server is down. Damn, can only post 500 characters here, so go see for yourselves (71 Tracks in total) ;-)