Jonathan Majors Says He Would Return To Kang The Conquerer Role In MCU: “Disney, Marvel Studios, I Love Them”
#News #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania #AvengersKangDynasty #CreedIII #JonathanMajors #Marvel

Jonathan Majors Says He Would Return To Kang The Conquerer Role In MCU: “Disney, Marvel Studios, I Love Them”
#News #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania #AvengersKangDynasty #CreedIII #JonathanMajors #Marvel
Paul Rudd Addresses Ant-Man Future In ‘Avengers: Doomsday’ & ‘Secret Wars’
#News #AntMan #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania #AvengersDoomsday #AvengersSecretWars #MarvelStudios #PaulRudd
#happybirthday @kathrynnewton #kathrynnewton #actress #cassielang #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania #GriffininSummer #Abigail #LisaFrankenstein #Winner #biglittlelies #pokemon #detectivepikachu #freaky #ladybird #3BillboardsOutsideEbbingMissouri #littlewomen #supernatural #blockers #benisback #thesociety #themapoftinyperfectthings
#JustWatched #FilmMastodon
#AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania (2023)
Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne are dragged into the Quantum Realm, along with Hope's parents and Scott's daughter Cassie. Together they must find a way to escape and fight the mysterious Kang?
2/5 ️ - Didn't work for me, didn't have the charm of the first two or as engaging storyline.
#ExplosionInMovies #Explosion #FilmMastodon
#AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania (2023)
AntMan Vs Kang Final Battle
Disney Plus Reveals Where ‘Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania’ Falls on the MCU Timeline
After becoming available for purchase as physical media on May 16th, Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania was added to Disney Plus on May 17th. The third film in the Ant-Man seri
Hola a todos este viernes / Hello everyone this friday and #FF #followfriday #FolloForFolloBack #viernesdeganarseguidores #StartrekPicardSeason3 #starwars #TheMandalorian #mcu #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania #TransformersEarthspark
Perdidos En El Éter #520 - Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania (Cine y Comics)
Comienza la Fase V del MCU, y llega la hora de meterse en el microve-- digo, el reino cuántico, de la mano de la familia Lang/Pym, en la RE: seña Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Los héroes insectoides se enfrentan a Kang El Conquistador, nuevo villano de la franquicia general, y explorar el reino cuántico un poco más que antes. Otra vez, un poco de comedia, bastante acción, y una space opera entretenida. Además, reseñamos un comic, Ant-Man V2 o Ant-Man: Worldhive, una divertida aventura de Scott y Cassie Lang, por Zeb Wells, Dylan Burnett, y otros.
También tenemos un Track+1 con Darwin Monzón y Matías Bernaola, organizdores de Anime Comics, una convención que en octubre se realizará por tercera vez en la ciudad de Salto, pero además el 25/3 tendrá su primera edición en Artigas. Matías y Darwin nos cuentan un poco sobre sus experiencias pasadas, y sobre que esperar en los próximos eventos.
Con música de Christophe Beck, The Beatles, y Weezer.
Escuchalo o bajalo de acá:
Próximo programa: Lockwood & Co.
#perdidoseneleter #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania #AntMan #eventos #cine #peliculas #superheroes #Marvel #MCU #reseñas #convenciones
Hola a todos este viernes / Hello everyone this friday and #FF #followfriday #follobackforfolloback #viernesdeganarseguidores #StartrekPicardSeason3 #starwars #TheMandalorian #TheBadBatch #mcu #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania #TransformersEarthspark #transformers
Hola a todos este viernes / Hello everyone this friday and #FF #followfriday #follo4folloback #viernesdeganarseguidores #StarTrekPicard #starwars #TheMandalorian #mcu #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania #Transformers #Earthspark #RiseOfTheBeasts
The latest episode of The Watch features an incredibly savage, entertaining, and also insightful commentary on Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania. For anyone who's even slightly interested in the MCU and its trajectory, I'd highly recommend it.