The Insta account Hellicity_Merriman, aka the American Girl Doll meme Account, posted this question, and I am curious as to the answers out there: “What if you were dating someone for ages maybe even engaged/ married like that's your baby that's your world right. And then one day you find out they Before Sunrised with someone before you. Like whole time they've known you they had a before sunriseship. Would you leave?” Leave a comment if you feel like it because I have thoughts! #BeforeSunrise
#happybirthday @ethanhawke #ethanhawke #actor #arthurharrow #moonknight #gattaca #beforesunrise #beforesunset #beforemidnight #LeavetheWorldBehind #Wildcat #StrangeWayofLife #sinister #theblackphone #thepurge #deadpoetssociety #thenorthman #predestination #boyhood #themagnificentseven #realitybites #takinglives #glassonion #greatexpectations #tesla
AmusementParks #ThemeParksInMovies #FilmMastodon
#BeforeSunrise (1995)
Jesse #EthanHawke and Celine #JulieDelpy having their first kiss on the ferries wheel.
(Full clip Link
Park location: Prater, Vienna Austria
#Bales2023FilmChallenge #FilmMastodon
Movie with a lot of Dialogue
This beats both the sad outcome of #COP27 in Sharm el Sheik and the even sadder opening of #WorldCup2022 in Qatar #beforesunrise #EthanHawke #juliedelpy