Price = 208.27$
Low Price = 205.51 $
High Price = 210.56 $
Height = 3367500
Hashrate = 3.96 Gh/s
Difficulty = 475.04 G
Today, we are presenting a beautiful #Roman #coin from the 3rd century for #findsfriday.
It is a #denarius of #Severus #Alexander, who is depicted on the obverse. On the reverse is #Mars and the inscription MARTI PACIFERO ([dedicated] to Mars, the bringer of peace).
Tariffs could put damper on new Apopka laundry business #apopka #business #CentralFlorida #coin #Community #customer #damper #DonaldTrump #GrandOpening #JOB #laundry #ModernLaundromatExperience #NewApopkaLaundryBusiness #PotentialImpact #tariff #TariffsCouldPutDamperOnNewCentralFloridaLaundryBusiness #thursday Tariffs could put damper on new Apopka laundry business #america #Apopka #business #CentralFlorida #Coin #community #customer #damper #DonaldTrump #GrandOpening #Job #laundry #ModernLaundromatExperience #NewApopkaLaundryBusiness #PotentialImpact #tariff #TariffsCouldPutDamperOnNewCentralFloridaLaundryBusiness #thursday #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
Swung by the store lately? We've got a cool new coin that might just take your fancy! Guaranteed unusable as legal tender, but also won't become completely worthless 5 minutes after you buy it!
Price = 209.21$
Low Price = 204.91 $
High Price = 211.59 $
Height = 3366805
Hashrate = 4.15 Gh/s
Difficulty = 498.25 G
I'm visiting the #USA for the #CSUNATC25 conference. Buying coffee, I got the perfect #coin in change for a #blindness / #accessibility related conference: a 2003 Alabama quarter featuring Helen Keller.
This was the first US circulating coin to feature a representation of Braille (there was a non-circulating 1996 Paralympics coin).
A little on Helen Keller from Wikipedia: "American author, disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer. Born in West Tuscumbia, Alabama, she lost her sight and her hearing after a bout of illness when she was 19 months old.
Keller attended Radcliffe College of Harvard University and became the first deafblind person in the United States to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree."
#numismatics #CoinCollecting #Braille #deafblind @numismatics @accessibility
Price = 205.08$
Low Price = 197.35 $
High Price = 214.06 $
Height = 3365362
Hashrate = 4.24 Gh/s
Difficulty = 508.59 G
Price = 208.47$
Low Price = 206.43 $
High Price = 220.5 $
Height = 3364632
Hashrate = 4.0 Gh/s
Difficulty = 480.57 G