All You Need Is Kill – Watch the teaser for the new anime adaptation of the novel that brought us Edge of Tomorrow
Oh heck yeah. Studio 4C are adapting All You Need is Kill
Edge of Tomorrow is already a good and fun adaptation of it, looking forward to more!
#HappyBirthday #emilyblunt #actress #TheDevilWearsPrada #theyoungvictoria #theadjusmentbureau #salmonfishingintheyemen #EdgeofTomorrow #IntotheWoods #sicario #thehunstmanwinterswar #TheGirlontheTrain #AQuietPlace #marypoppinsreturns #junglecruise #Oppenheimer #TheFallGuy #gnomeoandjuliet #MyLittlePony @streammaxla @DisneyPlusLA
Watching the #MissionImpossible #movie #series back to back on the #Miramax channel on #PrimeVideo.
Forgot that #BrendanGleeson appeared in #MI2 (2000) & in #EdgeOfTomorrow in supporting roles with #TomCruise too.
Also forgot that #MaggieQ & #KeriRussel (who played the mother in #TheAmericans (2013-2018) were in supporting roles in MI3 (2006) too.
July day
Graphic Novel Adaption
#TomCruise #EmilyBlunt
Original from the Manga ''Ōru Yū Nīdo Izu Kiru'' - All You Need Is Kill by #HiroshiSakurazaka
Back after an extended break. Here's my ranking of the #movies I watched this month:
1. #GlassOnion: A #KnivesOut Mystery; an incredible follow-up that can't quite match its predecessor. How could it, though? Cements Rian Johnson as one of the best filmmakers out there today. Deserves an extended theatrical release.
2. #BlackPanther: #WakandaForever; Ryan Coogler had an impossible job and he largely pulled it off. An imperfect film that's bogged down by its MCU-ness.
3. #EdgeofTomorrow; A super fun premise with fantastic execution. Just an all-around great movie.
4. #PulpFiction; Honestly, stated as a QT fan, I was a little underwhelmed on my first watch of this classic. The dialogue is top-notch incredible, but I just didn't get the story and this might be the film that turns me against the unnecessary violence in his movies.
5. #Barbarian; I'm not a horror guy, but this is a great movie with some masterful tone shifts.
6. #Lightyear; Went into this not expecting much, was pleasantly surprised.
7. Confess, Fletch; I loved the original Fletch. This doesn't quite live up to it, but it's a fun watch with some good twists. John Hamm is a good Fletch, even when some of the humor doesn't land. Only serious complaint is the plot was a little convoluted.
8. #Nope; The only real disappointment. Was really looking forward to this one. Ended up bored by the end. Maybe I just missed something?