Working on extra Details while waiting the paint to dry. #cosplay #lightyear #buzzlightyear ##buzzlightyearcosplay #fusion360 #3dprinting
Working on extra Details while waiting the paint to dry. #cosplay #lightyear #buzzlightyear ##buzzlightyearcosplay #fusion360 #3dprinting
Something is braining my melt, what does a light-year correspond to, in places where time passes faster than in our location?
#happybirthday @taikawaititi #taikawaititi #director #actor #korg #thorragnarok #avengersendgame #whatif #thorloveandthunder #nextgoalwins #TheMandalorian #GreenLantern #TheSuicideSquad #FreeGuy #OurFlagMeansDeath #Lightyear #JojoRabbit #WellingtonParanormal #ReservationDogs #WhatWeDointheShadows #MarvelStudios #DisneyPlus
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New Video! Lightyear Hyperspeed Series Zurg’s Mothership Review
#Lightyear #Disney #Pixar
I watched this a few months back when it came out. I liked it well enough - it was 'fine'.
I really, really liked the central conceit of the whole thing which was that *this* was the movie that young Andy watched prior to the first Toy Story movie that made him excited for a Buzz Lightyear toy... That kind of connectivity is cool, to me.
Then a bunch of knuckle draggers started complaining about 'why isn't Tim Allen voicing Buzz????'
This ignores the central conceit. My youngest son got a Thanos toy for his birthday a couple of year ago. It had a handful of phrases programmed into it. Josh Brolin voiced exactly none of them.
When was the last time the star of a movie voiced the 'barks' of a toy based on their character?
Never. That's when.
Tim Allen didn't miss out on Lightyear because of 'woke' Hollywood. He wasn't considered because his voice was the cheap knock-off version of Buzz since the toy maker couldn't afford the real actor.
Back after an extended break. Here's my ranking of the #movies I watched this month:
1. #GlassOnion: A #KnivesOut Mystery; an incredible follow-up that can't quite match its predecessor. How could it, though? Cements Rian Johnson as one of the best filmmakers out there today. Deserves an extended theatrical release.
2. #BlackPanther: #WakandaForever; Ryan Coogler had an impossible job and he largely pulled it off. An imperfect film that's bogged down by its MCU-ness.
3. #EdgeofTomorrow; A super fun premise with fantastic execution. Just an all-around great movie.
4. #PulpFiction; Honestly, stated as a QT fan, I was a little underwhelmed on my first watch of this classic. The dialogue is top-notch incredible, but I just didn't get the story and this might be the film that turns me against the unnecessary violence in his movies.
5. #Barbarian; I'm not a horror guy, but this is a great movie with some masterful tone shifts.
6. #Lightyear; Went into this not expecting much, was pleasantly surprised.
7. Confess, Fletch; I loved the original Fletch. This doesn't quite live up to it, but it's a fun watch with some good twists. John Hamm is a good Fletch, even when some of the humor doesn't land. Only serious complaint is the plot was a little convoluted.
8. #Nope; The only real disappointment. Was really looking forward to this one. Ended up bored by the end. Maybe I just missed something?