We went to see #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 yesterday, for the first time in nearly four years we stepped into a #cinema. It's the first time we have been since the pandemic. It was surreal but reassuring, nice comfy seats and everyone was well behaved with no phones glaring out at any point of the #film.
I find the franchise of #GOTG is tied up with a lot of emotion for me, as it was the favourite film of a dear friend of ours who passed away young. It's been a couple of years since he died but his memory endures, as we sat watching it. Both of our minds went to 'Lewis would have been a blubbering wreck at this point' or 'Lewis would have loved this'.
And he would have. @jamesgunn is a master storyteller, creating a diverse and carefully built #universe around an accessible but engaging story. It has humour in the right places, emotion, action and gorgeous visuals which made me feel that Lewis would have been buzzing to see this at least three times.
Sure there are a few plot holes, and I expect it might get the #cinemasins treatment at some point, but any clunky story points is overlooked by the charm of characters, many of them who we have grown to love over the last however many years it has been since the first film.
The film centres a lot on Rocket's past, which is one of the key factors in the plot. There are lots of animal scenes and cute animal eyes which don't just pull the heartstrings, they pull them out and throw the strings against a wall.
Go and see it. If you're not a #marvel #mcu fan you might not appreciate it as much as a die-hard fan, but it is a lovely film about the past and how it shapes us. #grief #filmreview #moviereview #movie #movies