#HappyAnniversary to the #GNUGeneralPublicLicense, or GPL, the preeminent copyleft license designed to grant users the freedom to safeguard and control their own computing. To learn more about the well-loved #GNUGPL, visit: u.fsf.org/3kz
#HappyAnniversary to the #GNUGeneralPublicLicense, or GPL, the preeminent copyleft license designed to grant users the freedom to safeguard and control their own computing. To learn more about the well-loved #GNUGPL, visit: u.fsf.org/3kz
#HappyBirthday @thisisanniepotts #anniepotts #actress #ghostbusters #afterlife #PrettyinPink #jumpinjackflash #texasville #toystory #happyanniversary #arlothealligatorboy #goodtimegirls #designingwomen #loveandwar #dangerousminds #overthetop #anydaynow #joanofarcadia #thefosters #chicagomed #youngsheldon #iheartarlo
October is a month of memories it seems! Everything happens in October - possibly because its finally the time when it cools off in Florida, and 8 years ago the temp was so lovely! This was the first wedding I officiated, and I don't think there could have been a better wedding to do that.
One of my dearest friends asked me to be her officiant and since then I've done 6 weddings, with 2 more currently on the way!
It's probably one of my fave things to do!
#Weddings #friendshipreallyismagic #HappyAnniversary
Might seem a long time
But thirty-two years sped by
With you by my side