De l'importance du son... Jeremie Albino, "Hard Time", 2019, Canada.
To bring some sunshine to a dull and grey Sunday...
De l'importance du son... Jeremie Albino, "Hard Time", 2019, Canada.
To bring some sunshine to a dull and grey Sunday...
Bro fucking Matt Dickie, yes, THAT Matt Dickie, puts patch notes on his Steam updates. You can too.
This week #gaming #stream possibilities:
#Mouthwashing (for sure)
#DwarfFortress? Been a while, I'm rusty
#HardTime 3 calls my name
Maybe #Atylss?
Suggestions or thoughts on these welcome! For as long as I'm unemployed I'm adjusting my streaming times and effort upwards to keep practicing Professional SkillsTM. Need to tidy up my homepage too
I spent 20 minutes recreating Todd Howard's evil twin in #HardTime 3 to put him in prison and kill The Joker, please enjoy
#happybirthday @margotjrose #margotrose #actress #eline #startrek #thenextgeneration #TheInnerLight #KparRin #deepspacenine #hardtime #48hours #acivilaction #chicagohope #lalaw #desperatehousewives #Outlaw #Mistresses #Bosch #LawandOrderla #TheMentalist #AllAboutChristmasEve #ds930 #startrek57 @trekcore