#AllStarTrek I don't even want to know how #Kira got #Quark's face on that hologram. People thought the TNG worm queen tearing through that guys chest was too violent, but I think the Quark head on Kira body probably creeped the bejesus teenagers for life! That probably killed DS9 right there!
#AllStarTrek #Garak's accusation that #GulDukat was trying to impress Major #Kira is all the weirder given that we later find out that #GulDukat took Kira's mother as his mistress. Dukat is slimy.
G-Nitro’s Daily Music Wrap-Up - 1/15/25
I check out a Gillian Welch album, as well as the B-Real & Psycho Les' album from 2024.
Favorite Videos include music videos from Japanese Breakfast, Kira, nakigoto, and more!
Terminado Sailor Moon me he puesto con mi siguiente colección: Death Note. Había olvidado lo brutalmente bueno que es este manga. Aunque, siendo honestos, solo leo hasta cierto punto que comento a continuación con CW en otro post.
La sottile stupidità di #LIGHTYAGAMI detto anche #Kira in #DeathNote un #Anime tratto da un #Manga molto bello https://youtu.be/d6VytRWuVVU?si=qYBTvmP73LNcZKD- via @YouTube
This #Christmas, we celebrate thanks to them, our Defenders!
#Egor_Babenko is one of those who #Ukraine is proud of. The fighter was seriously wounded in 2022 in the #Nikolaev region. After the injury, his mother, #Svetlana, and younger sister #Kira supported the warrior.
We remember and honour everyone who gives the most valuable thing for us – health and life.
#126_OBR_TRO, Ucraïnesos a Catalunya
#ukraine #putinisamasskiller #putinisawarcriminal @kardinal691