Çelik Adam - Man of Steel 2013 Filmini izle
#ManOfSteel #CelikAdam #Komedi #Netflix #Film #Filmizle #Diziizle #izle #Fullizle #sinema

Çelik Adam - Man of Steel 2013 Filmini izle
#ManOfSteel #CelikAdam #Komedi #Netflix #Film #Filmizle #Diziizle #izle #Fullizle #sinema
Zack Snyder's Justice League - anniversary is being celebrated right now on other social media that I'm not in and streaming on MAX. To me it's a monumental milestone in the history of cinema. I decided to celebrate here myself too.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Extrait
#BatmanvSuperman #DawnOfJustice #2016 #ZackSnyder #BenAffleck #HenryCavill #GalGadot #AmyAdams #JesseEisenberg #DianeLane #LaurenceFishburne #JeremyIrons #HollyHunter #DCComics #SuperHéros #Action #ScienceFiction #Batman #Superman #WonderWoman #LexLuthor #JusticeLeague #DCEU #WarnerBros #Kryptonite #Gotham #Metropolis #CombatDeTitans #Batmobile #UltimateEdition #ChrisTerrio #DavidSGoyer #ManOfSteel #Suite #Doomsday
Finished the #ZeroHour #Omnibus. I really enjoyed the reread. The story ended already, but the omni finishes with four 0 issues. #GreenLantern #Damage #Flash #Superman #ManofSteel #DCComics
I needed something to binge in quarantine. I landed on #Smallville since I was only 10 when it came out and didn’t watch it.
On Episode 7 and I’m loving the fact #AmyAdams was in this and #ManOfSteel too.
It’s also bad in the best way possible: teen angst, bad CGI, terrible plot holes, and sub-par acting. It’s just what I needed.
#TomWelling is nice to look at.
Just re-watched Man of Steel (2013). It holds up.
#happybirthday @modernwest #kevincostner #actor #director #manofsteel #batmanvsuperman #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #Horizon #AnAmericanSaga #yellowstone #LetHimGo #TheHighwaymen #thepostman #danceswithwolves #robinhood #princeofthieves #thebodyguard #mollysgame #hiddenfigures #HatfieldsandMcCoys #waterworld #3daystokill #jackryan #wyattearp #jfk #fieldofdreams #theuntouchables
Superman Fans need to stop bickering and act like Superman.
With #DavidCorenswet now taking over as the #ManOfSteel , who's your favourite #Superman
#happybirthday @RealLaureneFish #laurencefishburne #actor #benfoster #antmanandthewasp #whatif #Thunderbolts #manofsteel #batmanvssuperman #morpheus #thematrix #reloaded #revolutions #johnwick #parabellum #TransformersOne #csi #contagion #fantasticfour #riseofsilversurfer #TheColorPurple #ANightmareonElmStreet3 #DreamWarriors #mysticriver #boyzinthehood #WhatsLoveGottoDowithIt #EventHorizon #Blackish #marvel #dccomics
#supermanday #superman #christopherreeve #superboy @RealDeanCain #thenewadventuresofsuperman @tomwelling #smallville @brandonjrouth #supermanreturns #henrycavill #manofsteel #batmanvssuperman #justiceleague #crisisofinfintyearths #supermanandlois @tylerhoechlin #supermanlegacy @corenswet #dccomics
#HappyBirthday @henrycavill #henrycavill #actor #clarkkent #manofsteel #BatmanvSuperman #zacksnydersjusticeleague #BlackAdam #TheTudors #thewitcher #thecountofmontecristo #hellraiser #hellworld #stardust #immortals #themanfromuncle #missionimpossible #fallout #enolaholmes #argylle #TheMinistryofUngentlemanlyWarfare @streammaxla
#supermanday #86thanniversary #actioncomics #superman #ChristoperReeve #superfriends #tas @RealDeanCain #thenewadventuresofsuperman #tomwelling #smallville @BrandonJRouth #supermanreturns #henrycavill #manofsteel #batmanvssuperman #justiceleague #jlu #crisisonfinfinityearth @tylerhoechlin #supermanandlois #dccomics
#HappyBirthday @russellcrowe #russellcrowe #Actor #director #producer #gladiator #theinsider #abeautifulmind #romperstomper #virtuosity #laconfidential #masterandcommander #cinderllaman #robinhood #thenextthreedays #themanwiththeironfists #manofsteel #TheMummy #thorloveandthunder #thepopesexorcist #kraventhehunter #landofbad @streammaxla @marvelstudios @disneyplusla