The meeting #McGovern held sounds more like a Town Hall than what #Markey held.
The meeting #McGovern held sounds more like a Town Hall than what #Markey held.
Today's #Congress outreach:
I sent to #Warren #Markey and #Pressley via @resistbot, about how horrified I am to watch Trump and the GOP rolling back human rights, asking them to obstruct every step of the way and get the word out about what's happening and who's doing it to sway public opinion.
Please write and call your reps daily (you can use my letter above!) until we've successfully beaten back the coup. We need to keep the pressure on so they do.
#politics #USPol
Today's #Congress outreach:
I sent a letter to #Warren, #Markey, and #Pressley via @resistbot,, thanking the Democrats in the Senate for fillibustering #RussellVought and encouraging the caucus to continue to do everything they can to oppose #Trump.
I also called and left messages for all three in which I said basically the same thing.
You should be contacting your reps daily too! You can use the link above to do it if you'd like.
#politics #USPol
Today's #Congress outreach:
I was so busy today I couldn't make phone calls before offices closed. I did write a letter to #Warren, #Markey, and #Pressley demanding that they do something about #HeadStart programs being denied access to funds. Maybe you'd like to join me in asking your electeds to act on this? If so, you can use my petition:
Until we beat back the #coup, you, too, should be calling and writing your electeds in Congress daily!
#politics #USPol #MAPoli
In a letter to the Federal Trade Commission( #FTC ) last week, Senators Ron #Wyden and Edward #Markey urged the FTC to investigate several car companies caught selling and sharing customer information without clear consent.
Alongside details previously gathered from reporting by The New York Times, the letter also showcases exactly how much this data is worth to the car companies selling this information.
Car companies collect a lot of data about driving behavior, ranging from how often you break to how rapidly you accelerate.
This data can then be sold off to a data broker or directly to an insurance company, where it’s used to calculate a driver’s riskiness, and adjust insurance rates accordingly. This surveillance is often defended by its promoters as a way to get discounts on insurance, but that rarely addresses the fact your insurance rates may actually go up.
If your car is connected to the internet or has an app, you may have inadvertently “#agreed” to this type of data sharing when setting it up #without #realizing it.
The Senators’ letter asserts that #Hyundai shares drivers’ data without seeking their informed consent, and that #GM and #Honda used deceptive practices during signup.
The letter also reveals that while GM stopped sharing driving data after The New York Times’ investigation, it did not stop sharing #location data, which it’s been sharing for #years