Finally got to see that medieval fantasy movie, "Pipeweed Bear."
Cambrai Chansonnier of Zeghere van Male. Bruges, c1500s
Finally finished two rush projects and this allows me to continue on with the Marginalia Tarot Deck.
Today it's the Eight of Coins which is based on The Romance of the Rose. Français380.
It's a real learning experience on duplicating all these medieval painting styles digitally.
#tarot #tarotcards #tarotdeck #marginalia #marginaliatarotdeck #medievalmanuscript #affinityphoto #digitaltarotcard #tarotreadersofinstagram #Français380 #8ofcoins
#MedievalMastodon #Medievalodons #Drollery #Manuscripts #IlluminatedManuscript #Grotesques #Marginalia #MedievalArt #Book #MedievalHybrids #Medievalist #MedievalManuscript
Have a polka-dotted kitty cat.
M.1004 f. 151va. France, Paris. c1420-c1425
So much going on here. Love the face on the shield of the satyr and the hybrid man with the unicorn horn. No idea what they're fighting about.
not cited by original poster. Only it's from the Bodleian Library
The most loved comedy stage show of the middle ages.
Peasant of the Hill
Français 1753, f. 151r
An ancestor of John Cusack playing his medieval "boom box" to the girl he loves
Arundel 83, f. 63v
Maddess in the Multiverse-Deleted Scene
They cut out Dr. Strange's visit to this universe. A world of birds and strange trees.
Carmina Burana. Clm 4660, f. 64va
Another image from that strange place called Escherland.
Seems like there's a lot of tables with an "extreme slant" without everything falling off.
KBm 76 F 5
Elastigirl and her twin sister.
No one knows what happened to the sister.
Corbet Book of Hours. England. c1300s
When you and your drinking buddy finally realize you've been drinking out of urine flasks
Aspremont Psalter. Douce 118, f. 11v
This is a two-for-one
First, it's another one of those "Pink Barbie Castles" we've seen in many manuscripts.
Second, it's some more of that wonderful Escher architecture which I love.
Cases of Noble Men and Women. Français 190_1
Sorry gentlemen, come back later. I'm a bit constipated today.
Biblia Porta. U 964, f. 7ra
Happy Caturday!
Another uncited, and unable to find via TinEye, piece of marginalia.