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@Christo_459 : I had to unblock you to be able to write this to you.

Before anything else: my grandfather was a Jew (born in 1900). He survived WWII because he was married to a Dutch woman and therefore was sent to labour camps (instead of destruction camps, where his family was sent). They lived in Arnhem. My grandmother and my (then young) father and sister has to flee Arnhem by feet.

Apparently you made a MISTAKE by boosting holocaust-victim-humiliating spam from the CURRENT Zionist maintainers of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

This is from their website, at the bottom of auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw, which includes:

Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism.

One of the board members is a former high-ranked member of the Israeli Destruction forces (auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw).

They don't care about holocaust victims in their automated spam stream, which is only intended to make people feel sorry for Zionist Jews who live NOW. You are boosting their propaganda.

It is horrific and beyond comprehension that maintainers of a WWII concentration camp support what the Israeli Destruction Forces and insane colonists do to people in the Gaza concentration camp and on the Westbank (which looks more like Gaza every day).

But wait, there is more. These Zionists don't *FSCKING* care about holocaust victims. For example (of many hasty mistakes I found), they write "Anna Frank" (mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseu) and in mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseu the photo of a murdered baby was mixed up with a young woman.

In mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseu) the birthday differs from mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseu.

Worse, identity swapped, obvious from the person's number visible in mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseu (mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseu *may* be correct).

And what is this doing in their stream, from mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseu (with photo):

25 February 1944 | Commandant Arthur Liebehenschel informed that the chief of the Central Construction Office at Auschwitz SS-Sturmbannführer Karl Bischoff had been awarded the War Merit Cross 1st Class with Swords for his contribution to victory.

More disgusting facts can be found in infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStrat (and/or tap "Alt" in the screenshot below).

Why do we SPECIFICALLY have to remember Jews who were murdered 80 years ago, while their ancestors are now committing THE SAME CRIMES against humanity?

#OPENYOUREYES #ItsATrap #ZionistsLieCheatAndDeceive


Musk: X may have prevented Holocaust
When Elon Musk visited Auschwitz a year ago, he said (source: lemonde.fr/en/pixels/article/2):

had there been social media at the time of World War II, the Holocaust "would have been impossible to hide" and lives could have been saved.

Nobel peace price candidate?
<end of cynicism>

More can be read in the follow-up of this toot (🧵 2/2), describing even more hypocrisy of the maintaners of the former Auschwitz concentration camp. This includes their respectlessness w.r.t. Holocaust-victims in their automated stream of spam-toots - that get boosted a lot by naive Mastodonts.

Also do read the statement of the Auschwitz council at the bottom of auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw, which includes:

Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism.

If you still do not get that the Auschwitz Memorial (aka Museum aka Council) is an IDF (Isaeli Destruction Forces) propaganda channel; from auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw:

Avner Shalev - Deputy Chairman
Born in 1939 in Jerusalem, Shalev served in the Israel Defense Forces between 1956 and 1980, reaching the rank of brigadier general. Shalev was wounded in action on the Egyptian front during the Six-Day War.

And read what Avner Shalev wrote in yadvashem.org/about/former-cha:

Recently, yet another Hamas spokesperson compared the situation in Gaza to events during the Holocaust.
The ubiquitous use of Holocaust imagery in the propaganda efforts of Hamas and other organizations is dangerous and worrying. Such toxic imagery is frequently invoked in combination with elements of classic anti-Semitism and virulent anti-Israel invective.
In the rest of the world as well, ostensibly objective observers have adopted this code, or uncritically parrot those who compare Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto, ignoring both historical details and context.

Language has power. The words we choose to use carry weight, and are meaningful. If we elect to label every event a "genocide," or equate every event with the Holocaust, then we detract from the real meaning of those words and reduce their ability to represent true horror.

Subsequently, when faced with a real incident of genocidal murder, people will be less likely ot be moved to act. If everything is genocide, nothing is genocide.

P.S.1: My grandfather was a Jew (born in 1900). His family was murdered by Nazis. I want to remember WWII victims when *I* find that approriate. I hate to be continuously distracted (on Mastodon and TV) by Zionists, corrupt politicians and naive parrots who insist that everybody should keep feeling sorry for "all those poor Jews". It is ordinary propaganda, intended to distract as many people as possible from the genocide that Israeli Jews are inflicting on Palestinians and other Arabs. I.e. humans with rights who are defending themselves against the theft of their land, deportation, massive bombing, snipers, torture in "prisons" and apartheid.

P.S.2: I'm blocking anyone who boosts Auschwitz spam-toots, favours them or likes them in comments. They are complicit to the abuse of Holocaust victims (without consent) for Israeli propaganda purposes. IMO more people should block such idiots....

P.S.3: Below two images can be seen. The first one shows an (a hypocrite as well) friend of Avner Shalev, Benjamin Netanyahu (at the time he should already have been on the #ICC "most wanted" list).

The second screenshot shows a picture of Doris Mireille Lewy, a Jewish BABY girl from Toulouse, who was "among 865 MURDERED after selection in gas chambers" - BEFORE she was TWO YEARS OLD.

The maintainers of the Auschwitz concentration camp do not care SHIT about Holocaust-victims (this is far from the only mishap in their spams, see 🧵2/2). Their intention is to distract you with "you *must* feel sorry for all Jews, they are ALWAYS the victims" bull shit. Tip: do read the naive comments in mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseu.

Musk: holocaust door gebrek aan X

Toen Elon Musk één jaar geleden Auschwitz bezocht, zei hij (bron: lemonde.fr/en/pixels/article/2):

had there been social media at the time of World War II, the Holocaust "would have been impossible to hide" and lives could have been saved.

Nobelprijs voor de vrede dan maar?
<einde cynisme>

Meer bagger, beslist ook de desinteresse en hypocrisie van de Auschwitz-beheerders m.b.t. Holocaust-slachtoffers in hun geautomatiseerde spam-stroom, leest u in infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStrat.

En lees ook de verklaring van de Auschwitz-beheerders onderaan auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw.

Als u het dan nóg niet snapt, uit auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw:

Avner Shalev - Deputy Chairman
Born in 1939 in Jerusalem, Shalev served in the Israel Defense Forces between 1956 and 1980, reaching the rank of brigadier general. Shalev was wounded in action on the Egyptian front during the Six-Day War.

P.S. nr.1: Mijn opa was Jood. Zijn familie is vermoord door Nazi's. Slachtoffers van o.a. WWII herdenk ik zelf wanneer *IK* dat wil. Ik wil *NIET* (op internet en TV), vooral door Joden en corrupte politici, maar ook door de vele naïeve nakakelaars, voortdurend met "ach die arme Joden" worden afgeleid. Met als *DOEL* iedereen af te leiden van de genocide die Joodse Israëliërs op dit moment plegen op een ander volk. #OpenYourEyes

P.S. nr.2: Ik blokkeer iedereen die Auschwitz spam-toots boost, favoriseert of er met instemming op reageert. Dát zouden m.i. meer mensen moeten doen...

P.S. nr.3: Hieronder ziet u eerst een plaatje van een, eveneens hypocriete, vriend van meneer Shalev (op een moment dat het ICC die meneer, onterecht, nog niet op hun opsporingslijst had gezet). Het tweede plaatje, aldus het Auschwitz Memorial, is van een baby die werd vergast (hen interesseert het niets dat hun geautomatiseerde spam mensonterende fouten bevat, als het mensen maar lekker bezighoudt met "Wat er ook gebeurt, Joden zijn ALTIJD de slachtoffers"). Tip: lees ook de comments van de onbegrijpers in mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseu.