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Das Urteil gegen #Greenpeace in den USA steht stellvertretend für einen Trend: Durch sogenannte #Slapp -Klagen bringen fossile Unternehmen Menschen und Organisationen zum Schweigen, die sich für den Klimaschutz engagieren.

Fachleute sehen solche Klagen als Teil einer umfassenderen Entwicklung, in der Grundrechte und die Spielräume der Zivilgesellschaft teils empfindlich eingeschränkt werden.

Darüber habe ich für @table.media geschrieben (€):


Table.Media · Greenpeace-Urteil: Wie Slapp-Klagen den Klimaschutz gefährdenProtestcamp gegen die Dakota Access Pipeline im Dezember 2016. Nach dem Urteil gegen Greenpeace in den USA warnen Fachleute vor wachsendem Druck auf den

The Satanic Temple is very bad at court cases.

A federal district court judge in New York today sided with the online magazine Newsweek against The Satanic Temple, a tax-exempt church, finding there was no basis by the nontheistic religious organization to continue the defamation case against the publisher.


This should be the end of a case that started either three or five years ago, depending on what you want to start counting by.

The Satanic Temple sued the Newsweek and its reporter Julia Duin in February 2022 in retaliation for Duin writing and Newsweek publishing a critical article about TST in October 2021; that article centered on TST suing four former Washington State members in April 2020. That is, us. The Temple repeatedly lost their lawsuits against us over the next four-plus, the final one ending in October 2024.

Also, it's not official yet, but "Satanic Temple’s Idaho Abortion Ban Appeal Looks Likely to Fail"

Title comes from this Bloomberg writeup that probably is paywalled, but is pretty negative:

> A panel of Ninth Circuit judges on Wednesday appeared unlikely to give the Satanic Temple another shot at suing Idaho over measures that bar it from providing abortion care to members in the state.
> Questions of the group’s standing to sue—personal, associational, organizational, or otherwise—dominated the oral arguments, with Judge M. Margaret McKeown asking attorneys for both sides to clarify how the Satanic Temple can proceed when it hasn’t named any member who lives in Idaho, is pregnant, and wants to end the pregnancy.
> It can’t, state’s attorney Alan Hurst told the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
> But W. James Mac Naughton, a private practitioner in Newton, N.J., representing the Satanic Temple, said there’s a “statistical probability” that such a person exists. In his analysis, at least three people in Idaho currently are being harmed by laws that prevent the Satanic Temple from setting up a clinic or mailing abortion-inducing pills into the state, he said.
> Without a name, however, there’s no way to show the Satanic Temple’s claimed harm is anything more that pure speculation, Hurst said.
> Judge John B. Owens didn’t have any substantive questions for the attorneys, while Judge Ronald M. Gould stayed silent.

It goes on about some more of the background, but you can also just see all of their cases on The.Satanic.Wiki.

This Courthouse news article should be fully accessible and also characterizes it similarly:

> “This case is about coerced motherhood and money,” James Mac Naughton, an attorney representing the Satanic Temple, told the court.
> But before Mac Naughton got too far into his argument, U.S. Circuit Judge Mary McKeown questioned him about the Temple’s standing.
> “Maybe you can explain to me what have you alleged that give you the predicates of associational standing?” Bill Clinton appointee asked.

🔴ACCIÓN | #greenpeace despliega un mensaje ante la embajada de EEUU en defensa de la libertad de expresión y el derecho a la protesta tras el infame veredicto que le pide pagar 660 MILLONES a la petrolera Energy Transfer.
Este caso de acoso legal (#slapp ) supondría la aniquilación definitiva de Greenpeace en EEUU, y es un aviso para cualquier activista o colectivo.

ES | Greenpeace España🔴ACCIÓN🔴 Embajada de EEUU: WE WILL NOT BE SILENCEDAcabamos de descolgarnos ante la embajada de EEUU en Madrid con una pancarta de 66 m2

Habe mir 1 Formulierung zurechtgelegt, falls mal wieder ein #AxelSpringer - Fossilist ein Statement oder Interview wünscht:

„Aus historischer Verantwortung werde ich keinem Konzern in #Berlin zuarbeiten, der einen #AfD-Wahlaufruf des Hitler-verharmlosenden Elon Musk abdruckte & dessen #Shitbürgertum-Autor die Kirchen mit Deep State - Verschwörungsmythen beschimpfte. Ich empfehle 1 Lektüre zur fatalen Rolle von #Hugenberg. Weiterem #Trolling & #SLAPP - Klagen sehe ich gelassen entgegen.“


The Greenpeace verdict you’ve heard about has an EU side quest:

“Greenpeace International…countersued Energy Partners in the Netherlands in February, making use of a new anti-SLAPP directive in the EU that went into effect in May 2024…

Eric Heinze, a free speech expert and professor of law and humanities…said the case appeared “black and white.” “


Grist · A court ordered Greenpeace to pay a pipeline company $660M. What happens next?By Sachi Kitajima Mulkey

Wichtiger Bericht über Vorgehen von Firmen oder Personen gegen kritische Journalist*innen. So hat #RWE den Fotografen Janis Große auf 2 Mio € Schadensersatz verklagt. Das fällt unter #SLAPP, also Einschüchterungsklagen.


Janis beschreibt, wie man als Journalist*in dazu kommt, einen Protest zu begleiten und dass das auch wichtig ist, da das eine unabhängige Berichterstattung ermöglicht, denn ohne Journalist*innen hätte man nur die Polizei und die Aktivist*innen als Quellen und beide sind nicht neutral, insbesondere wenn es zu Gewalt von wem auch immer kommt.

Auch die @tazgetroete wurde verklagt, weil sie über eine Familie und deren Bautätigkeiten berichtet haben. Prozesskosten bisher 20.000€. Aber das ist es allemal wert.

#klimaatcrisis | “Hoewel #SLAPP's (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) geen nieuw fenomeen zijn, hebben we de afgelopen jaren een enorme toename gezien in het gebruik ervan om #mensenrechten-verdedigers aan te vallen, kritiek te smoren, en transparantie en verantwoording te voorkomen bij belangrijke onderwerpen zoals klimaatzaken”, zegt Agnès Callamard, secretaris-generaal Amnesty International.


Mastodon 🐘Amnesty International NL (@amnestynl@mstdn.social)VS: vonnis tegen Greenpeace schadelijk precedent voor mensenrechten en klimaat https://www.amnesty.nl/actueel/vs-vonnis-greenpeace-schadelijk-voor-mensenrechten-en-klimaat

Statement of #IndependentTrialMonitors
On Verdict in #GreenpeaceUSA Trial:

"It is our collective assessment that the jury verdict against Greenpeace in #NorthDakota reflects a deeply flawed trial with multiple due process violations that denied Greenpeace the ability to present anything close to a full defense. Attorneys on our team monitored every minute of the proceedings and found multiple violations of #DueProcess that denied Greenpeace its right to a fair trial. The problems included a jury that was patently biased in favor of #EnergyTransfer, with many members working in the #FossilFuel industry; a judge who lacked the requisite experience and legal knowledge to rule properly on the complex #FirstAmendment and other evidentiary issues at the center of the case; and incendiary and prejudicial statements by lawyers for Energy Transfer that tried to criminalize Greenpeace and by extension the entire #ClimateMovement by attacking constitutionally-protected advocacy.

"Our fear that this was an illegitimate #corporate-funded #SLAPP harassment case was confirmed by our observations.

"We will be issuing a full report documenting these violations and larger flaws in the case in the coming weeks.

"While the trial court verdict is in, the case is far from over. Greenpeace has a right to appeal to the North Dakota Supreme Court and ultimately to the #USSupremeCourt. Our committee will continue its work monitoring this critically important case that raises troubling concerns for all advocates in the country."

#MartyGarbus | #NataliSegovia | #JeanneMirer | #TerryCollingsworth | #StevenDonziger | #NadiaAhmad | #ScottWilsonBadenochJr. | #PaulPazYMiño | #AyishaSiddiqa | #WadeMcMullen | #KipHale | #SimonTaylor

Read individual statements:
#NorthDakota #EnergyTransferPartners #StandWithStandingRock #NoDAPL #SLAPPs #ViewerSupportedNews #GreenpeaceUSA #SLAPPsLawsuits #CriminalizingDissent #NorthDakota #StandingRockSiouxTribe #StandingRockReservation #CorporateColonialism #BigOilAndGas #EnvironmentalRacism #WaterIsLife #KelcyWarren #ArrestKelcyWarren #ErikPrince #Blackwater #ACAB #FreeSpeech

Energy Transfer v. Greenpeace Trial Monitoring CommitteeStatement of Independent Trial Monitors On Verdict in Greenpeace Trial — Energy Transfer v. Greenpeace Trial Monitoring Committee