#HappyBirthday @KirkThatcher #kirkthatcher #actor #writer #producer #startrek #thevoyagehome #shorttreks #ephrainanddot #startrekpicard #ItsaVeryMerryMuppetChristmasMovie #MuppetTreasureIsland #TheMuppetsWizardofOz #FostersHomeforImaginaryFriends #lazytown #spidermanhomecoming #werewolfbynight #startrek58 @trekcore
Tilly: "Quadruple espresso with milk alternative?"
Replicator: "Ill-advised. That amount of caffeine is not...."
Tilly: "Is my best friend, so shush"
I'm going to take Tilly's lead. It's one of those mornings.
Happy #TrekTuesday!
"She was a great explorer, navigating by the constellations. The people came to follow her, and the girl....became a Queen"
From Short Trek "The Girl Who Made The Stars"
The Trouble with Edward is a highly underrated #ShortTreks #StarTrek
I'm looking up #OlatundeOsunsanmi, the (edit: also executive) producer of #Section31, on #IMDB
…i must've missed their #ShortTreks episodes from 2019/2020
also: who's #EugeneRoddenberry? ← this might be an hier to the famous Gene #Roddenberry. Who is this person? Do they know how to properly treat their inheritance? Do they need to be reminded?
#HappyBirthday @RainnWilson #rainnwilson #actor #HarryMudd #StarTrekDiscovery #shorttreks #theescapeartist #theoffice #almostfamous #Houseof1000Corpses #mysuperexgirlfriend #cooties #juno #transformers #revengeofthefallen #reno911 #monstersvsaliens #galaxyquest #utopia #themeg #weird #startrek58 @trekcore
“Yeah, when the people who are supposed to care about you don’t listen to you, it’s…it’s frightening and it’s lonely and it makes you feel like you’re crazy or like you’re, like, not even there . - Ensign Tilly in Runaway.
#shorttreks #startrek
#Happybirthday @AldisHodge #AldisHodge #actor #Craft #StarTrek #ShortTreks #Calypso #hawkman #blackadam #JusticeLeague #CrisisonInfiniteEarths #Marmalade #hiddenfigures #diehardwithvengeance #onenightinmiami #straightouttacompton #TheInvisibleMan #blackmirror #CityonaHill #LeverageRedemption #TheBirthdayCake #startrek58 @trekcore
#happybirthday @WallisAnnabelle #annabellewallis #actress #zora #StarTrekDiscovery #ShortTreks #TheTudors #PeakyBlinders #TheMummy #SilentNight #Malignant #TheLoudestVoice #XMen #FirstClass #Annabelle #SwordofVengeance #KingArthur #LegendoftheSword #Warning #VanishedintotheNight #startrek57 @trekcore