#TheAgency is definitely a slow burner. #MichaelFassbender shines as the conflicted agent trying to balance work with love.
#series #review #reviews #NowStreaming #drama #Spy #Showtime #ParamountPlus

#TheAgency is definitely a slow burner. #MichaelFassbender shines as the conflicted agent trying to balance work with love.
#series #review #reviews #NowStreaming #drama #Spy #Showtime #ParamountPlus
Michael Fassbender on ‘Black Bag’ and ‘The Agency’: Interview https://www.inbella.com/948001/michael-fassbender-on-black-bag-and-the-agency-interview/ #BlackBag #CelebritiesNews #film #Interviews #MichaelFassbender #THEAGENCY
Showtime/Paramount+'s The Agency is thrilling, realistic spy TV, from the Ukraine situation, to waning US influence, to the compromise of our intelligence assets, to CIA station chiefs reporting to a hostile administration
t01e10: Overtaken By Events
#TVTime: https://app.tvtime.com/series/430769/episode/10759737
看过 特工处
#TheAgency #传奇办公室
[20:02] Grote Hollywoodsterren belanden vaker in spionage: ‘Er was iets super intrigerends aan die wereld’
Spionnen blijven boeien, kijkers blijven toestromen. Op streamingdienst SkyShowtime is deze week ‘The Agency’ begonnen. Met een rits grote namen, onder wie Richard Gere.
#SkyShowtime #TheAgency’ #RichardGere
t01e09: The Rubicon
Avaliação: / 5
#TVTime: https://app.tvtime.com/series/430769/episode/10759735
t01e08: Truth Will Set You Free
Avaliação: / 5
#TVTime: https://app.tvtime.com/series/430769/episode/10759734
The Agency is well done ...
t01e07: Hard Landing
Avaliação: / 5
#TVTime: https://app.tvtime.com/series/430769/episode/10759732
Federation Studios Comes To Market: Owners Seek Hundreds Of Millions Via Cash Injection & Head To U.S. To Kickstart Next Phase Of Growth
#Acquisitions #News #Federation #FederationStudios #JeromeSalle #LionelUzan #PascalBreton #TheAgency
Settling in to watch the latest episode of #TheAgency on Paramount+. Very, very good.
Enjoyed the new series #TheAgency
@TheBreadmonkey Eye, too, am enjoying The Agency, Ben.
They have done an incredible job of casting.
The plot is knotty and suspenseful, and the much under-appreciated Mr Michael Fassbender is the absolute embodiment of the complex, inscrutible character that he portrays.
Four Coconuts .
#Series #TheAgency #MichaelFassbender #TuckersBalls
t01e06: Spy For Sale
Avaliação: / 5
#TVTime: https://app.tvtime.com/series/430769/episode/10759731
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Avalon-Backed The Agency Unveils Managing Directors
#Agencies #News #Avalon #JudyEdmonds #KatieHaines #TheAgency
#TheAgency is just top notch spy show. Beautifully shot, brilliantly acted and a perfect soundtrack and location. Next level.