Riders on the Strom - #TheDoors
über Kopfhörer, großes Kino.
Riders on the Strom - #TheDoors
über Kopfhörer, großes Kino.
More rock star sketchin’ on the art desk this evening, with the legendary frontman of The Doors, Jim Morrison. #jimmorrison #thedoors #60srock #comicart #portrait
Die Rockband "The Doors" wurde 1965 von Jim #Morrison und Ray Manzarek gegründet. Manzarek war von Morrisons Songs beeindruckt, die er schrieb, während er auf dem Dach eines Kommilitonen lebte und sich "von Dosenbohnen und LSD" ernährte.
"Break On Through (To the Other Side)" is a song by the American #rock band #theDoors. It is the opening track of their debut album, The Doors (1967). #ElektraRecords issued the song as the group's first single, which reached number 126 in the United States. Despite the single's failure to impact the record sales charts, the song became a concert staple for the band. Twenty-four years after its original release.
"People Are Strange" is a song by the American #rock band #theDoors. It appears on the band's second studio album, #StrangeDays, released in September 1967. The song was written by the Doors' vocalist #JimMorrison and guitarist #RobbyKrieger, although all of the band are credited on the sleeve notes. The track was first released with "Unhappy Girl" as the B-side. It peaked at number 12 on the #Billboard #Hot100 chart.
Tonight's cooking tunes courtesy of The Doors - Waiting for the Sun, released 1968.
#TonightsCookingTunes #TheDoors #NowPlaying
In My #Wattpad novel, "Bobby Champion", Bobby plays a heel and incorporates entrance music into his character. His choice? #TheDoors' "Wild Child". #Rockmusic #music #ClassicRock #prowrestling #Prowrestler #Novel
`Inspired by William Blake's poem The Crystal Cabinet, it is one of many of Morrison's songs inspired by Blake's poetry. Portion of the lyrics is suggested that borrows from the 12th-century Irish Lebor na hUidre (Book of the Dun Cow) manuscript. According to local Santa Barbara, California, lore, Morrison wrote the song after taking LSD on an Isla Vista beach one night as he stared at the blinking lights of an offshore oil rig named Platform Holly`
When the Musk is over #TheDoors
1 Mart 1969: Jim Morrison’ın Miami Konserinde Yaşananlar
#thedoors #rock #prog #progrock #jimmorrison
#Happybirthday @kyle_maclachlan #kylemaclachlan #actor #TwinPeaks #FireWalkwithMe #TheReturn #Dune #BlueVelvet #TheHidden #TheDoors #TheFlintstones #Showgirls #InsideOut #TheHousewithaClockinItsWalls #BlinkTwice #Fallout #SexandtheCity #DesperateHousewives #HowIMetYourMother #Portlandia #AgentsofSHIELD #HowIMetYourFather
Sorry for posting about the Doors again, but I need to share it. Good night. Don't forget to turn out the lights.
The Doors: *When The Music's Over (Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival 1970)*
In The Room With The Doors: Robby Krieger and John Densmore
Confira a letra da música “Touch Me” de The Doors
#TheDoors #TouchMe
I accidentality watched the 1993 induction of the Doors in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs4Po4YricE). Co-founder of the Doors Ray Manzarek (1939-2013,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Manzarek) called the Reagan/Bush Sr. administration fascists. I absolutely agree and I'm happy for Ray that he didn’t had to endure the ultra-fascists who are now in office. Overton window in full effect here!
But don't forget that a lot of people (especially men) who were getting high on the Doors in the summer of 1967, voted for #Trump. Probably a lot of them because they were very disappointed about Clinton, Obama and Biden. But that's still not a reason to vote for Trump! Ray turns over in his grave. And Jim as well!