Tonglen, giving and receiving: no other practice is as effective in destroying the self-grasping and self-absorption of the ego, which is at the root of all our suffering and the root of all hard-heartedness.
Tonglen, giving and receiving: no other practice is as effective in destroying the self-grasping and self-absorption of the ego, which is at the root of all our suffering and the root of all hard-heartedness. A secret tree mailbox in Germany could lead you to love. #BerlinWall #FairyTale #ForbiddenLove #germany #GroomsOak #LoveLetters #LoveStories #MarriageStories #OldfashionedRomance #PostalWorkers #RomanticDestination #RomanticTradition #StarcrossedLovers #TrueLove
Strange to say, the first symptom of true love in a young man is timidity; in a young girl it is boldness. This is surprising, and yet nothing is more simple. It is the two sexes tending to approach each other and assuming each the other’s qualities.
[Et puis, chose bizarre, le premier symptôme de l’amour vrai chez un jeune homme, c’est la timidité, chez une jeune fille, c’est la hardiesse. Ceci étonne, et rien n’est plus simple pourtant. Ce sont les deux sexes qui tendent à se rapprocher et qui prennent les qualités l’un de l’autre.]
Victor Hugo (1802-1885) French writer
Les Misérables, Part 4 “St. Denis,” Book 3 “The House in the Rue Plumet,” ch. 6 (4.3.6) (1862) [tr. Hapgood (1887)]
Sourcing, notes, alternate translations:
No sé quién en el fedi recomendaría la serie 'Truelove', pero la estoy viendo poco a poco y es fantástica.
You know things are good when you tell your partner you’ve put on close to ten pounds in the last year and they’re like “What? No. Where? Ten pounds? No you haven’t”
(Some is body recomposition, some is drinking more water, and the rest has been due to eating better to support training.)
Bearly Beloved Releases in SIX DAYS!
Sometimes, a missed flight is the exact sign you need.Travel mishaps
Fate & Heat
Adorable babies & an HEA
Bearly Beloved is part of season two of the Love Sync Mates series!
Start reading the series today!
And They Lived Happily Ever After...
(SQ Winter Solstice 2025 )
#SwanQueen #TrueLove
#LanaParrilla #ReginaMills
#JenniferMorrison #EmmaSwan
and Guests
Love Sync Mates Season Two shared world where travel mishaps lead to HEAs complete with babies.
Start the season today! #Love #BeMyValentine #Valentine #ValentinesGift #Couples #Heart #LoveIsInTheAir #Romance #GalentinesDay #ValentinesDay2025 #ValentineVibes #HappyValentinesDay #Sweetheart #February14 #LoveStory #TrueLove #Lovebirds
Paroles de la chanson “True Love” de SOJA
#Soja #TrueLove
Souvenirs d'un super mariage que j'ai eu l'occasion de couvrir cet été !
I have nice boobies, the sex cult leader told me so. #truelove
How do you know that you #love somebody? Thanks to @mariapopova for this #truelove
Find someone who will love you like the French love the Kudu. They are willing to call you grand and add extra letters to your name.
The quest for Heart Cat is a form of True Love. And so, while we can search, we must also be found.
This mutual celebration of each other comes from sheer chemistry. Figuring out how it works is far more art than science.
The quest for Heart Cat can't be planned, only sought. - the Way of Cats
#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Catstodon #CatLife #CatArt #Tortitude #CatAppreciator #TrueLove