Comunicazione di servizio.
I questi DC Pocket sono di nuovo disponibili.
#Watchmen #Sandman #VforVendetta #Batman
Comunicazione di servizio.
I questi DC Pocket sono di nuovo disponibili.
#Watchmen #Sandman #VforVendetta #Batman
Just started re-reading my old trade paperback of #VforVendetta
Still one of the greatest comic books ever created imo, but I need a large-format publication of it so I can see it properly nowadays!
America's final war, and it's with itself
This is the Prelude to V for Vendetta but sure, it'll all work out in the end...../s
Watching #VForVendetta because it seems apt for the moment. #movies
White Abolitionist: the relentless dismantler, tearing down whiteness at its roots & reshaping institutions so it cannot claw its way back. No compromise, no half-hearted reforms. Just the complete & permanent undoing of the system.
One person anywhere, no matter how insignificant, who refuses to think as they have been ordered to think acts as a goad to the tiny people of authoritarian government.
The present and the future are always in YOUR hands.
From #ParableoftheSower to #VforVendetta, A Succinct #Syllabus for the #Revolution
A short list of #books, #movies, and #games to foster #solidarity in the face of extreme #opposition.
Great , great but can we have a date for when Europe was great ?
Depending on the date , UK, France and Spain are going to reclaim their parts of what is actually the ´Ulcered Sphincter of Ass-erica ‘ ( according to Prothero in ´V for Vendetta ´ )
Serata scoppiettante, segnalo...
#ThePrestige (Iris)
#Watchmen #VforVendetta #KickAss2 #Wanted (20)
#IndipendeceDay #BladeRunner2049 (Italia1)
#BramStokersDracula (Cielo)
#OceansEleven (Rete4)
@dejan hat schöne #VforVendetta vibes...
#moviereview #vforvendetta #movies
Like every November the Fifth I’m watching V For Vendetta with a glass of whiskey. There’s going to be at least one more, probably more than that. What I dearly hope is that when I finish the movie, it will remain a terrible warning.
20 years ago I watched Dr Strangelove on election night because I knew Bush was going to win. Tonight I hope Harris wins and keeps this movie in the realm of science fiction.
#RevengeMovies #FightBack #FilmMastodon
#VForVendetta (2005)
In a future British dystopian society, a shadowy freedom fighter, known only by the alias of "V", plots to overthrow the tyrannical government - with the help of a young woman.
#HappyBirthday @natalieportman #natalieportman #actress #director #padmeamidala #starwars #ThePhantomMenace #theattackoftheclones #thor #thedarkworld #AvengersEndgame #thorloveandthunder #whatif #therevengeofthesith #theprofessional #thediaryofayounggirl #yourhiness #closer #Vforvendetta #theotherboleyngirl #blackswan #nostringsattached #annihilation #jackie #eve #talesofloveanddarkness #maydecember @streammaxla @marvelstudios @starwars @disneyplusla
I’m watching #Hellboy and it occurs to me that you can’t solely credit the Disney shit for why studios make so many comic book movies and TV shows now. There was a whole string of comic book movies before Iron Man, and that’s not even counting all the Superman and Batman stuff. Hellboy, #Spawn, #VForVendetta, #TankGirl, #300, #SinCity, and one of the ‘90s’ best action movies in #Blade. I forget if #Watchmen came out before Iron Man, but it would have been close.