#DarkCrisis read through Part 5 featuring #SwampThing special Crisis, Dark Crisis 5, #GreenArrow special, & Dark Crisis #YoungJustice 5. Dark Crisis is okay.
#DarkCrisis read through Part 5 featuring #SwampThing special Crisis, Dark Crisis 5, #GreenArrow special, & Dark Crisis #YoungJustice 5. Dark Crisis is okay.
#DarkCrisis read through Part 4 featuring #Flash 785, Dark Crisis 4, #WonderWoman special, & Dark Crisis #YoungJustice . The Flash is the strongest part.
#DarkCrisis read through Part 3 featuring #Flash 784, Dark Crisis 3, #GreenLantern special, & Dark Crisis #YoungJustice 3. This event is working for me.
#HappyBirthday #brentspiner #actor #data #lore #drnooniensoong #startrek #thenextgeneration #Generations #FirstContact #insurrection #Nemesis #Enterprise #ArikSoong #StarTrekPicard #altansoong #LowerDecks #independeceday #resurgence #materialgirls #quantumquest #themidnightman #nightcourt #gargoyles #threshold #YoungJustice #Warehouse13 #Outcast @startrek @startrekonpplus @streammaxla
#happybirthday @phillamarr #PhilLaMarr #actor #AdmiralFreeman #StarTrekLowerDecks #pulpfiction #futurama #samuraijack #madtv #TheBookofBobaFett #CraigoftheCreek #TheFreakBrothers #TheFungies #FamilyGuy #ItsPony #YoungJustice #DCSuperHeroGirls #HarleyQuinn #MyLittlePony #ANewGeneration #startrek58 @trekcore
Okay, I am going to read #DarkCrisis. Going in with an open mind. #JLA #Titans #YoungJustice
So, I have gotten to the Sin of Youth event in my #JSA #Compendium, and I fits right in. I love grown-up #Starwoman or #Stargirl. #JackKnight #Starman wears a bandana like a pirate. #Hipster #JSA #JLA #YoungJustice #OldJustice #Titans
Plowing through the #JSA #Compendium and the mapping of all other issues is stellar. #Hourman #YoungJustice #OldJustice ##DayofJudgement
#happybirthday @greenwoodbruce #brucegreenwood #actor #captainpike #startrek #intodarkness #thirteendays #irobot #doublejeopardy #TheFabulousFour #TheFalloftheHouseofUsher #nationaltreasure #cell213 #madmen #kingsman #thegoldencircle #theresident #youngjustice #doctorsleep #Batman #GothambyGaslight #DeathintheFamily #ThePlaceBeyondthePines #startrek57 @trekcore
#HappyBirthday #MarinaSirtis #actress #troi #stsrtrek #thenextgeneration #voyager #Enterprise #Generations #FirstContact #Insurrection #Nemesis #LowerDecks #StarTrekPicard #DeathWish3 #thegrudge3 #mychristmasprince #5thPassenger #debtcollectors #gargoyles #StargateSG1 #YoungJustice #ncis #TheOrville #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @streammaxla
#happybirthday #PhilLaMarr @phillamarr #actor #AdmiralFreeman #StarTrekLowerDecks #pulpfiction #futurama #samuraijack #madtv #TheBookofBobaFett #CraigoftheCreek #TheFreakBrothers #TheFungies #FamilyGuy #ItsPony #YoungJustice #DCSuperHeroGirls #HarleyQuinn #MyLittlePony #ANewGeneration #startrek57 @trekcore