This unedited scene from #StarTrek #TheNextGeneration's episode "Relics" with Deanna Troi and Scotty that was left on the #TheCuttingRoomFloor feels clunky and awkward, but one of the comments stood out to me: "I wonder how many other scenes of Deanna actually doing her job, have been edited out."
#HappyBirthday #MarinaSirtis #actress #troi #stsrtrek #thenextgeneration #voyager #Enterprise #Generations #FirstContact #Insurrection #Nemesis #LowerDecks #StarTrekPicard #DeathWish3 #thegrudge3 #mychristmasprince #5thPassenger #debtcollectors #gargoyles #StargateSG1 #YoungJustice #ncis #TheOrville #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @streammaxla
#happybirthday #MarinaSirtis #actress #troi #startrek #thenextgeneration #voyager #generations #firstcontact #insurrection #nemesis #enterprise #startrekpicard #lowerdecks #5thPassenger #Unbelievable #TheLastSharknado #Gargoyles #crash #stargatesg1 #ncis #theorville #TheBezonians #startrek56 @trekcore
Happy new year to the all the people who brought a lot of joy in my and a lot of other lives. LLAP -see you hopefully on some conventions in 2023 #BrentSpiner #gates_mcfadden #jonathansfrakes #levarburton #TheDeniseCrosby #patrickstewart #marinasirtis #michaeldorn #dianamuldaur #startrek
Mi sono innamorato di Marina
#marinasirtis #beauty #womanofstartrek
Still one of the funniest scenes ever. #startrek #startrekfirstcontact #DeannaTroi #willriker #drunktroi #marinasirtis #jonathanfrakes
Okay so i have seen people doing the introduction thing. So here it goes
It's me, Jess. I am 29+ from germany. I am a nerd, plain and simple. I watch too many tv shows, listen to too many songs, read too many books and am obsessed with too many middle aged actresses. (Still the normal and not in the freaky creepy stalky kind of way)
I love going to conventions and be lost in something that is as far off from the real word as humanly possible for a couple of hours, - but I am also down for some serious talk about all whats wrong in the world... but be prepared for me blow off some steam while we are at it.
Things i love: (just a couple outtakes)
#startrek ( #startrekthenextgeneration #StarTrekLowerDecks #startrekpicard #startrekvoyager )
Just because its early in the morning and i need something cute #startrek #imzadi #DeannaTroi #willriker #technicallythomasriker #butreallyitsstilljonathanfrakes #marinasirtis #jonathanfrakes #tng
Brightening up the TL with pictures of marina sirtis/deanna Troi #startrek #DeannaTroi #startrektng #marinasirtis